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Try Downs-only Mode! The Across clues won't help anyways

· Por JeffPrug · Publicado 2021-09-11T19:20:31.337Z

Constructor's Note
This puzzle is designed to promote downs-only mode. To enable this, go to your Account settings and under Solving Preferences select "Start puzzles in downs-only mode". The down clues are significantly easier than the across ones, so you might as well try! You get a special icon if you solve in downs-only mode. You can exit this mode for an individual puzzle from the pause menu.
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  • Mike D 👇26s · 2021-09-12T12:45:07.576Z
    Just went back to look at the across clues and they were definitely tougher 😂. Thanks for this puzzle and for helping alert people to that feature!
    • JeffPrug constructor · 2021-09-12T14:38:53.494Z
      I had a good time thinking of the most obscure clues possible. I'd be very impressed if anyone actually would have gotten an across!
    • Joah 👇54s · 2021-09-12T16:11:41.615Z
      Fun! I still have the first two stanzas of "Paul Revere's Ride" memorized from elementary school, but the third stanza eluded me 😂
      • Jon 🤓1:08 · 2021-09-12T16:44:18.869Z
        • ellequin 🤓28s · 2021-09-21T13:11:24.036Z
          Never even heard of any of the across answers haha.
          First name of Colonel Hunter, General Secretary of the British Olympic Association who helped organize the 1948 Olympics
          1. 1A
            First name of Colonel Hunter, General Secretary of the British Olympic Association who helped organize the 1948 Olympics
          2. 5A
            Second word of the second line of the third stanza in Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride"
          3. 7A
            Described as "a framework dedicated to instrument, infer, log and share mobile context information by sensor instrumentation, for application developers, researchers and smartphone users"
          4. 8A
            ___-U-Appliance (store in Escondido, California)
          5. 9A
            One of the words in the name of the franchise in which Ambroise Canne appears
          1. 1D
            Rub out pencil markings
          2. 2D
            A letter which is not a consonant. In English: a, e, i, o, or u (or sometimes y)
          3. 3D
            As a noun, an item such as a trophy or medal that recognizes achievement. As a verb, the action of giving such an item
          4. 4D
            Can mean braveness, or one of the many objects in the body which is an enclosed, cable-like bundle of fibers (called axons) which transmits electrical pulses
          5. 6D
            Bambi is this type of animal