Really impressive construction, squeezing all of those in there!
bodhipepper 🤓9:46 · 2021-09-12T21:34:07.133Z
The existence of whql oybbz (rot13) distracted me for a bit - and anagramming the resulting letters reveals a different kind of author bias. Thanks for the puzzle Will!
William D 7s · 2021-09-13T01:31:22.118Z
Nice one, thanks!
shalmanezer 16:46 · 2021-09-16T18:04:29.155Z
Enjoyed the puzzle, but don't think 37A is a "predecessor" to the NFL. For that matter 23A has played nearly all his Dodger games somewhere besides shortstop.
Bob Jasinski 🤓11:37 · 2021-09-17T11:12:07.485Z
great puzzle. took several nights to work through each step.... looking for something on the diagonals... finding authors but not knowing what to do with them... and finally spotting the intersections. If I'd printed and circled the authors I would have saved a lot of time!
Byron 🤓13:07 · 2021-10-30T16:59:48.064Z
I gave up on the meta too soon. I had the right idea, but not enough patience. Very clever!