Crossword compilers seem to love sport and the lingo that comes with it. I don't, but I've picked up quite a bit of the jargon from doing crosswords. British crosswords often tend to be very cricket-focused, so these crosswords are designed to introduce some of the vocab and abbreviations to the uninitiated (although I'm drawing on other sports, as well). Some common ones: B = bowled, C = caught, O = over (a period of 6 balls from the same bowler, after which the batters change ends), R = run (one point in cricket), W = wicket, LBW = leg before wicket. However, my rule for cryptics is always that it's not supposed to be a general knowledge crossword, so Googling "cricket terminology", "Cockney rhyming slang" or any other knowledge needed to complete the puzzle is not cheating.
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