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Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday Part II

· Por Sommersmith · Publicado 2022-04-28T10:00:27.666Z

Constructor's Note
It's Thursday, where the fill is mediocre and the clues are straight-up terrible. Enjoy!
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…


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  • Frisco17 🤓50s · 2022-04-28T15:32:48.821Z
    I have a sudden urge to watch Sneakers... looks at my feet for an hour
    • Sommersmith constructor · 2022-04-28T16:08:11.603Z
      Joke's on you, it's 2 hours 6 minutes
    • Mike D 🤓1:05 · 2022-04-28T15:44:50.633Z
      Oh damn it's Thursday!
      • Lobsterboys 🤓1:16 · 2022-04-28T18:42:28.390Z
        So happy it’s Thursday! Great puzzle and great movie!
        • Lobsterboys 🤓1:16 · 2022-04-28T18:47:03.389Z
          Also, when asked what "American Pie" meant, Don McLean replied (jokingly?) "it means that I don’t ever have to work again if I don’t want to."
          • Jon 🤓54s · 2022-04-28T21:05:56.704Z
            Nice clueing.
            • Regan Mutherford 🤓3:26 · 2022-05-01T19:44:10.386Z
              I guess I should see Sneakers
              Like the box that Martin Bishop and associates are hired to steal in "Sneakers", the greatest movie of all time
              1. 1A
                Like the box that Martin Bishop and associates are hired to steal in "Sneakers", the greatest movie of all time
              2. 6A
                What you should do if someone asks you what the greatest movie of all time is and you say something other than "Sneakers"
              3. 7A
                [She likes] you the way you are / When [you're] driving in your car / And you're talking to [her] one on one, but you become / Somebody else 'round everyone else / You're watching your back / Like you can't relax / You try to be cool / You look like a fool to [her]
              4. 8A
                Animals whose honking sounds Martin Bishop mistook for a cocktail party while he was stuffed in the bad guys' trunk in "Sneakers"
              5. 9A
                Oozes slowly through pores, like Martin Bishop's sweat when he has to creep super slowly in a super warm room in "Sneakers"
              1. 1D
                Boasts, like Martin Bishop does about his team in "Sneakers" (e.g. Mother has "the best hands in the business" and Crease is a "twenty-two year veteran of the CIA")
              2. 2D
                Don McLean drove his Chevy to it but it was dry (someone please explain to me what this is supposed to mean)
              3. 3D
                "Look, _____!" (silly thing to say in a forest)
              4. 4D
                Term Brits use for what Yanks call by the term Brits use for what Yanks call a french fry
              5. 5D
                Actors Chandler and MacLachlan and NASCAR driver Busch and basketballer Lowry and human science experiment XY