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Vowelless Anagrammy (PfP #73c)

· Por Conflux · Publicado 2021-12-17T08:00:59.422Z

Constructor's Note
IMPORTANT: Before entering each answer, anagram it into another word or valid crossword entry. Then, remove all the vowels (including any Ys). Word lengths of the original words are in parentheses. Note that the anagramming happens before the removal of vowels, so if the answer to 1-Across was WORDY, you couldn't enter DRW (for DRAW) (or for DREW or DOORWAY), but you could enter DWR (for DOWRY). Enjoy?
Full answers (including what the words look like before anagramming and before de-vowel-ifying) can be found at
I make puzzles (of all different kinds, not just crosswords!) at If you liked this puzzle, you might like those!
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  • dianyx 🤓9:22 · 2021-12-17T08:00:59.422Z
    HAHAHA I HAVE DONE IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT WAS AMAZING!!!! Challenging with just the right amount of solvability. better make this into a cryptic >:)
    • jackofallspades98 3:55 · 2021-12-17T08:00:59.422Z
      had to screenshot and draw on my screen to solve, but it's possible, as long as you actually figure out the answer to every clue from scratch. there's no chance of working backwards and using existing letters to figure out answers. you almost have to solve it like sudoku, writing in candidate letters into each square and eliminating them based off the crossing letters.
      • calica 🤓7:27 · 2021-12-17T17:05:26.347Z
        Yeah, pretty much; I went to the answers afterwards because I could not get most of the anagrammed words from anagramming the words so instead I just thought of possibilities for each square and ruled them out one by one.
        • Account 🤓8:57 · 2023-01-03T00:59:28.838Z
          Me too!
      • Mike D 56s · 2021-12-17T16:21:49.195Z
        Wow this was next level tricky 🤯
        • Frisco17 🤓36s · 2021-12-17T17:26:26.061Z
          Bam! Amazing job.
          • bice 10:17 · 2021-12-18T06:34:58.625Z
            Well that certainly sand-blasted my brain. In a good way.
            • Conflux constructor · 2021-12-18T19:02:57.066Z
              This is one of my favorite things anyone has said about my puzzles :)
            Rock (5)
            1. 1A
              Rock (5)
            2. 4A
              Genre for Scott Joplin (7)
            3. 5A
              Treasure trove (4,4)
            4. 6A
              Like the last letter of most French words (6)
            5. 7A
              Opposite of open (4)
            1. 1D
              Roofing tile (7)
            2. 2D
              In its __ (fully) (8)
            3. 3D
              Bill worth billions of dollars (5)
            4. 4D
              "Armpit, a __ in distress" (misheard lyric in the book Small Steps) (if you haven't read it, the "armpit" part will just be a red herring for you) (6)
            5. 5D
              Whenever (7)