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"Scandinavian Cream Soda" (Cryptic Mini #000000077)

· Por bob weisz · Publicado 2024-02-01T12:00:51.021Z

Constructor's Note
(apologies for 5A)
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…


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  • Oliver Hardy 6:18 · 2024-02-01T13:41:56.094Z
    Thanks! It's a great puzzle but much too difficult for me.
    I'm not sure that "to obtain" triggers a containment; "obtained by" is what I would expect.
    • bob weisz constructor · 2024-02-02T02:07:11.073Z
      Oh interesting! I thought infinitives were an accepted form for indicators. I'll keep this in mind for the future.
      And hah yeah, this was a toughie :) Thanks for taking a stab!
    • Hector 🤓14:07 · 2024-02-01T14:53:50.110Z
      I also got confused about obtain. But this is terrific, especially NASTIER.
      • bob weisz constructor · 2024-02-02T02:08:02.421Z
        Thanks much! This is good feedback about infinitives... I use them all the time!
      • merlinnimue 🤓6:37 · 2024-02-01T21:46:55.010Z
        I'm ashamed that I didn't get the parse for 6a and that I did get the parse for 5a... smh... Anyway thanks for the puzzle
        • bob weisz constructor · 2024-02-02T02:07:43.692Z
          Thanks for solving!
        • kieranjboyd 🤓1:56 · 2024-02-02T01:14:27.921Z
          Loved 1D!
          • bob weisz constructor · 2024-02-02T02:07:35.802Z
            Thanks! I'm sure it's been done before, but it's too fun to pass up :)
          • Aaron Riccio 4s · 2024-02-05T02:34:09.826Z
            (Actual time: 7:12)
            Loved it! Had to look up "Rally's" to make 1A make surface sense, and as you probably guessed from my tastes, 5A made me chuckle, not cringe. 6A, of course, is your masterpiece here, though 1D (which reminds me of where a general puts his armies his sleevies) was also really good (along with everything else.
            I didn't have an issue with infinitives, but I guess I'll look out for them in my own stuff too now!
            Supermodel ate Rally's, including side (7)
            1. 1A
              Supermodel ate Rally's, including side (7)
            2. 5A
              The Reverend making a Scandinavian cream soda cocktail (3,4)
            3. 6A
              "Every bit of AI art is a stain," setter insists. "When animated, it's extra gross." (7)
            4. 7A
              Pop band gets so upset over nothing? (7)
            1. 1D
              Map features feet? (7)
            2. 2D
              Will usually does mind (5,2)
            3. 3D
              Busting phone to obtain relief (7)
            4. 4D
              Rivendell's last mages taking off with some dragons