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Nov mini cryptic 6

· Por n0hk · Publicado 2021-11-06T09:35:00.419Z

Some of these clues are good, but the lure of reading outside on a nice weekend day really impinged on my ability to write a grid in a timely fashion.
Hopefully it's still a somewhat enjoyable solve!
1A Def Supports Wordplay D-def with retreats
6A Def Still well known Wordplay Goldilocks (porridge eater) - glocks (pieces) + e (second bEar)
7A Def Never Wordplay Homophone (heard) of 'know' (sense)
8A Def Royal one Wordplay Wee - central letter. Very similar to previous clue :/
9A Def Prior to Wordplay U (universal) + N (direction / North) + TI (final note from do re mi ...) + L (50)
11A Def The blue Wordplay Seal (Pinniped) - L (Hand)
1D Def Extra Wordplay Onus (responsibility) after 'b' (first Baby)
2D Def Deserted Wordplay Al (gangster) + On (about) + E (drug)
3D Def Record Wordplay Odd letters of CoDe
4D Def Flightless bird Wordplay K (A thousand) + I (one) + W (initially Wowed) + I (island)
5D Def Closes eyes shut Wordplay Sleeps (rests) reversed (up), missing a 'p' (central purPose)
10D Def Thank Wordplay Remove 'b' (to top is to cut the head off) from 'bat', and reverse it
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…


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  • Mike D 🤓4:31 · 2021-11-07T20:05:18.255Z
    Nice! I managed to get it but it's still helpful to read the explanations and solidify some of the ones I wasn't confident in
    • Jon 6:52 · 2021-11-08T05:57:56.619Z
      • quatrevingtneuf 🤓3:02 · 2021-11-08T16:56:23.525Z
        hadn’t heard of SEELS before today. will file away in “useful crosswordese”
        • BJ constructor · 2021-11-08T21:44:43.787Z
          It's amazing the nonsense words you can dredge up to fill a grid.
          But I'll also maintain the ability to 'fairly' use kinda BS words like this one is why Cryptics > Americans.
        Supports retreats (5)
        1. 1A
          Supports retreats (5)
        2. 6A
          Still well known porridge eater left pieces for second bear (5)
        3. 7A
          Never heard sense (2)
        4. 8A
          Heartless wee royal one (2)
        5. 9A
          Prior to universal direction, 50 after final note? (5)
        6. 11A
          The blue pinniped abandoned by hand (3)
        1. 1D
          Extra responsibility after first baby (5)
        2. 2D
          Deserted gangster about drug (5)
        3. 3D
          Record odd code (2)
        4. 4D
          A thousand and one initially wowed by island's flightless bird (4)
        5. 5D
          Rests up without central purpose, closes eyes shut (5)
        6. 10D
          Thank top bat making a comeback (2)