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Mini Cryptic 4

◆◆ · Por dilly · Publicado 2024-06-11T00:18:37.793Z

Constructor's Note
Mini Cryptic number 4, 7x7, hope you like it! Feedback appreciated as always.
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  • dilly constructor · 2024-06-11T00:27:21.894Z
    1A: FIG.(ure)
    3A: AM+P(iano)
    5A: R in SPAY
    6A: ARMORED - OR
    7A: HEROES - HES
    1D: oF + EUSSIER - cataloguE
    2D: GAR+BAG+sEt
    3D: datA+BY+SMALl
    4D: DUck in PASTE
    • dilly constructor · 2024-06-11T10:11:05.653Z
      Oops! missed
      8A: LIEDER-DER
    • Aaron Riccio 11:05 · 2024-06-11T01:41:37.164Z
      Overall, the triple unchecked squares in 1D and 4D are problematic, but apart from that solid grid/fill.
      1A: Nice!
      3A: I really like [is for me] here.
      5A: [to remove fertility center] is tough. I think I like it, but I don't know enough about the procedure to say for sure.
      6A: I don't fully get this one; [out or] doesn't feel quite right as an indicator.
      7A: Bleak definition indeed, but I think this one's maybe too stretchy? It's bleak now, no? Also, [he's] is being removed non-consecutively, which is less than ideal. Maybe easier to just clue this as a hidden?
      8A: I love the repetition of [German], but probably on the tougher side for the average English solver.
      1D: I think too much is happening here. [Backwards reissue] for EUSSIER is fine (though I'd maybe use something like [Elevated] for a Down clue), and I'm kind of on board with [of back] being F but then you're also moving that part [to front] and then saying that [catalogue finally] for E [comes out] as a deletion. YMMV, but is the surface worth the work for both you and the solver?
      2D: [set in middle] is tricky, especially with [of] being used as one of those iffy connectors.
      3D: Love it!
      4D: I don't see how to justify [heads] as meaning "the first two letters of the preceding word." I like the idea of the surface, though! Maybe [Much needed half-serving of duck added to cream (4,3)]?
      • dilly constructor · 2024-06-11T12:56:22.686Z
        Thanks again for your feedback! Do you have some sort of cryptic rules manual that you follow? I didn’t realize non-consecutive deletions were frowned upon, but it makes sense.
        5A in retrospect should probably be “centers” since the procedure is removing the ovaries plural in my understanding
        6A: I was thinking “out” as a verb, tho to be fair it is rarely used in that sense and basically never except as a past participle
        7A: I had the same thought, but convinced myself with that almost-classic question “is an egg a chicken?” (no, for me)
        8A: I’d bet there’s a large overlap between cryptic-doers and Schubert-listeners lol, but point taken
        1D: yeah, this was my least favorite clue, probably needed to be reworked
        4D: I like the “half-serving” clue, I guess “heads” should be used for the first letters of multiple words rather than the first few of one, that makes sense.
        Thanks again!
        • Aaron Riccio 11:05 · 2024-06-11T17:42:57.414Z
          I don't have a formal guide, just anecdotal experience from being on both sides of test solves. If you're happy with a surface/indicator, stick with it! The form begs for innovation and creative interpretations! That said, I find it very helpful to hear what's not working for others (and why), and it always comes down to "Is it FAIR?" and then "Is it FUN?"
          • AuLeaf 🤓5:33 · 2024-06-13T17:19:03.547Z
            I think 6A works with the adjective sense of "out [of]"=lacking, as in "I had a great time at the casino, but now I'm out $200."
            and yeah for 4D I thought "duck heads" would be "D,D"... it is perhaps a bit weird to say that one word has two heads. `^^
        • AuLeaf 🤓5:33 · 2024-06-13T17:08:28.151Z
          oh, now I get "of back to front"!
          also missed 6A, how sneaky...
          nice puzzle :D
          Small drawing of fruit (3)
          1. 1A
            Small drawing of fruit (3)
          2. 3A
            Speaker’s quiet following is for me? (3)
          3. 5A
            Project runs in to remove fertility center? (5)
          4. 6A
            Decked out or prepped for battle (5)
          5. 7A
            He’s out of heroes: it may be bleak in the future (3)
          6. 8A
            German songs without the German misdirection (3)
          1. 1D
            Backwards reissue of back to front catalogue finally comes out, causing more complaining (7)
          2. 2D
            Fish net set in middle of bunk (7)
          3. 3D
            Bad data by small constituent (7)
          4. 4D
            Much needed duck heads added to cream (4,3)