I encountered a bee in Eureka, California two days ago and now my hand is super itchy and looks deformed. (The picture is the photo I took moments before the bee attacked.)
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Sorry to hear that! (A wasp stung me on the hand a day after the 2017 eclipse and it's almost as memorable as the eclipse itself… in a very different way.) Wishing you a speedy recovery.
The only thing we spray for is wasps. Not. Welcome. When I see one near my house I stomp it til its non-covalent bonds break and it's a pile of organic goo. Get well soon! Way to channel your emotions into puzzles :-)
Fun puzzle, thanks! Sorry to hear about your sting, too! I lived in Eureka in the late 1980s while I was going to Humboldt State, now changed to Cal Poly Humboldt. I had a lot of fun in Humboldt County, including a nasty bunch of bee stings over the course of about 15 seconds. I was working for the US Forest Service in the mountains and tripped over a ground hive I didn't see. Hundreds of bees attacked me! No idea how many stings I got, but I swelled up like a balloon. Thankfully a co-worker was with me, so he drove me to the closest ER which was about 50 miles away. An IV and a bunch of antihistamines later, I stumbled out of the ER, went to my friend's car, and fell asleep for a couple of hours :-) Quite the day out in the woods!