udging by the amount of references to drinks and drinking in cryptic crosswords, most compilers are rather fond of the sauce. RUM, DRUNK and DRUNKEN can all be clues to ANAGRAMS. A DRUNK or A DRINKER can be a SOT, a DIPSO(MANIAC) but, above all, a LUSH. A PUB can signal the letter combo PH (public house), but it can also be a BAR, a LOCAL, a BOOZER etc. The letter combo TT, meanwhile, is often clued by NON-DRINKER, ABSTAINER, ON THE WAGON etc.
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Not only are these fun and helpful for honing my cryptic solving chops, but they're a great way to learn cryptic cluing as well. I have an offbeat cluing approach for American-style crosswords but need to really understand cryptic cluing conventions before I feel comfortable constructing cryptics with any kind of personal voice. Your grids really help with that!