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Straight Eight 15

· Por Oliver Hardy · Publicado 2024-02-10T13:42:29.767Z

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  • JSP 🤓3:21 · 2024-02-10T14:47:06.985Z
    Masterfully done! I love your constructions. It turns out I didn't know who Grace was... but I think you'll be amused to know I arrived at the answer under the assumption she was a Peter Pan character 😂. Thanks Oliver! :)
    • merlinnimue 🤓8:03 · 2024-02-11T01:59:31.674Z
      • Oliver Hardy constructor · 2024-02-11T08:21:24.638Z
        Many thanks!
      • JWords 🤓5:52 · 2024-02-10T17:51:04.262Z
        Very nice, thanks! I’d appreciate a parse on 4D, it’s the only one that’s eluded me
        • Oliver Hardy constructor · 2024-02-10T20:14:40.949Z
          Hi! Thanks for solving.
          4D is G + UTTER + S "channels" is the definition. G = agent; UTTER =to reveal; S = the source of (first letter in) "secret".
          • JWords 🤓5:52 · 2024-02-10T23:14:59.975Z
            Ah of course, totally fair. Thanks!
        • merlinnimue 🤓8:03 · 2024-02-11T01:59:23.545Z
          Great stuff as usual, im way below you other geniuses as usual... im missing something with 7a, as best I can tell beginning is doing double duty to get the t from the and the s from suffering
          • Oliver Hardy constructor · 2024-02-11T08:18:46.377Z
            Hi! Thanks for the reply. T = "the" in my list of abbreviations; S = the beginning of suffering.
          • Hector 18:44 · 2024-02-11T03:44:27.454Z
            Bravo. The Wikipedia on Grace Darling was an added delight.
            • Oliver Hardy constructor · 2024-02-11T08:21:06.746Z
              Many thanks! In the North East of England, my old stamping ground, Grace Darling is a local heroine.
            Liberal in valour and Grace? (7)
            1. 1A
              Liberal in valour and Grace? (7)
            2. 5A
              It can be rough for a dresser (7)
            3. 6A
              Revealed: draw near for the result (7)
            4. 7A
              Winter depression is the beginning of suffering for monsters (7)
            1. 1D
              Strange? Who? (7)
            2. 2D
              Made cheaper tea bread without a recipe (7)
            3. 3D
              Go in, use substance and rock! (7)
            4. 4D
              Agent to reveal the source of secret channels (7)