There are times when I feel I'm getting the hang of setting, and then other times when I really seem to struggle. This one fell into the latter category. I hope you'll forgive my many shortcomings, and that they didn't detract too much from solving the puzzle. As always, let me know how you got on. The wash-up follows:
ACROSS. 1A. Swap first letters of "freedom" = LATITUDE.5A. Containment of "fast" = LENT in "ratio" = PI + shortening of "at maximum" = FULL.7A. Hidden in "bACHErratic".8A. Anag. ABCS.10A. Containment of "zinger" = QUIP + "dudes" = MEN in "alien" = ET.11A. Anag. WETAREAS.
DOWN. 1D. "Software on phone" = APP + "to bring relief" = EASE.2D. Anag. HETERO + "to apply" = USE.3D. Containment: last letter of "accountant" in "digit" = TOE.4D. Anag. IINFECTED6D. "Pitches" = LOBS + odd letters from THEORY.9D. First letter of "substitute" + "bench" = PEW.
Apologies in particular for some terribly weak surface readings. No, I don't know what a Zinger Dude is either.
As you know, I'm never convinced by constructions such as "uneven theory" and "substitute starting". "Salty" doesn't strike me as a particularly good anagram indicator either. Other than that I thought this was very enjoyable. I know from experience coming up with sensible surface readings can be excruciatingly difficult. Keep at it.
Thanks for your interest, and congratulations on a very impressive time. Out of interest: would either of "substitute just starting", or "substitute starting out" be preferable to you? And is "uneven" objectionable for being the wrong part of speech in this case, or just flat-out never acceptable in any form?
As for "salty," probably unacceptable in any other context, but once I had decided upon WETAREAS as my anagram it was difficult to resist. ("Resist harder" is indeed the likely remedy.)
No, "substitute just starting" and "substitute starting out" wouldn't improve the situation. For me, these entities have to be clearly linked; "start(s) to... , "starting to ..." etc. "Uneven" indeed unacceptable as you say, I would only use "evenly", "oddly", "regularly" etc.
merlinnimue 🤓7:13 · hace más de 1 año
I wish I knew how to solve these puzzles as quick as you geniuses... well I guess that just means I get more time to enjoy such a lovely puzzle