Yes I was looking for the one specific to the female know Girls Raised In The South = GRITS! (and please that is not intended to be sexist, I'm just a BLITS (Boy who Lives In The South)
MajordomoTom 🤓11:46 · hace más de 2 años
some coffee please, no chickory
DrTom 3s · hace más de 2 años
Mmm good, never leave NOLA without a dusting of powdered sugar on my clothes. I just go nuts for those donuts!
Saw the mechanism quickly, but jumped the gun a few times, before regrouping and finding a few letters that I had previously overlooked. Thanks for the puzzle - and the season!
Byron 🤓11:53 · hace más de 2 años
Smooth and straightforward.
MamaEllen 2s · hace más de 2 años
Cafe du Monde - always yummy! Thanks for the fun season!
Anita and Steve 3s · hace más de 2 años
Very clever!
Jeff G 4s · hace más de 2 años
Nice puzzle to round out the season! Lots of fun!
Abide 🤓7:45 · hace más de 2 años
Awesome as usual.
Flinty Steve 3s · hace más de 2 años
Nice meta - now I'm hungry!
MARR71 3s · hace más de 2 años
That was an amazing meta. Will, did you intentionally incorporate both kinds of compass points? Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, it was a very fun puzzle!
Great constructions! Thanks for another fantastic season.
Chaddog 4s · hace más de 2 años
Great season, Will. Thank you for sharing your talent and creativity!
Bbaack 🤓11:37 · hace más de 2 años
Thanks for a fun season!
Meta World Peace 5s · hace más de 2 años
That was a powdered sugar treat of a puzzle as dessert for another hugely fun Pandora's Blocks season! Such smooth filling, like New Orleans jazz. Enjoy everything the rest of August has to offer, Will!
Bonnie 🤓7:09 · hace más de 2 años
I enjoyed this meta! And it took another 5 minutes or so to also realize the position was in the South. Clever on top of clever.
Mr Tex 🤓9:42 · hace más de 2 años
I don't see it. I wish constructors would explain their solutions.