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zonkswonk constructor · 2022-07-19T22:14:24.841Z
Solution: The title suggests water, or H2O, and the use of 2 to represent to. Combining these gives the phrase "H to O". Each theme clue contains the letters H and O, and reading the letters from "H to O" in each one yields the meta solution: bottle flip.
This is my first crossword so I'll take any feedback you can give! I know I have too many blocks and 3-letter words but I just wanted to get something done to start with. I'm especially curious about the difficulty level, and how that would have changed if I hadn't starred the theme clues or with a less suggestive title. I wanted to put H2O as a clue for a word in the grid, but I wasn't sure if that would make it too easy, and also I couldn't fit a convenient word into the fill anyway, so thoughts on that would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Great meta mechanism. (I have a puzzle coming out in about 6 months that uses the same idea!) Don't be too concerned about adhering to the "conventions" of crosswords. Good metas are hard to construct, so if your grid involves lots of 3-letter words, or 2-letter words crop up, or there are unchecked letters, don't worry! You will be forgiven - if the meta mechanism is fun!
Meg 3s · 2022-07-20T00:12:26.388Z
I enjoyed the solve. Nothing stood out as weird or awkward. Congrats on your first meta!
boharr 2:03 · 2022-07-20T00:41:52.168Z
Congratulations on your debut. Smooth grid. Not starring the themers would have made it a tad harder. A few puzzles have used the water and H20 trope. Experienced solvers will inevitably interpret that as H to O and look for those letters (and what is in between them) in the themers. A less suggestive title would also have obscured the metanism. A good first puzzle. I could not make one that's for sure.
zonkswonk constructor · 2022-07-20T02:27:09.471Z
Thanks for the feedback! If the themers had been longer than the other words I wouldn't have, but as it was I didn't think it was fair to expect the solver to pick out the extra 9-letter words.
Gutman 3s · 2022-07-20T01:21:24.580Z
Great job. Fun clues and cool meta.
Hector 🤓10:27 · 2022-07-20T01:48:39.353Z
Right, this mechanism has been done recently by someone, so it's hard for us to say how hard it would have been if it was unfamiliar. Probably "week 2" difficulty if you follow MGWCC. Really excellent for a first creation!
zonkswonk constructor · 2022-07-20T02:30:44.694Z
Yeah, it feels like a fairly obvious theme but I'm just happy I managed to fill the grid coherently lol. I looked up MGWCC but I couldn't tell what you meant by week 2, what's the scale there? And is that a measure of fill difficulty or meta difficulty? Thanks!
Hector 🤓10:27 · 2022-07-20T03:23:48.093Z
Matt's meta difficulty gets harder each week of the month. Week 1s are like, the long across "themers" all have words starting with J, F, and K, and the prompt is "a US President". Week 2s take a little more work but by far most solvers will get them. Week 3 loses a good chunk of solvers, and weeks 4 and 5 by far most solvers will not get them (at least, without soliciting help from those who did).
zonkswonk constructor · 2022-07-20T05:13:09.833Z
Considering my skill as a solver probably ends at about week 2, that's certainly where my skill as a setter would cap too. Thanks for the info!
A very nice first puzzle, @zonkswonk! You are already demonstrating a constructor's mindset and skill set. Keep at it, and we'll see you on MMM very soon!
Laura M 🤓13:57 · 2022-07-20T05:52:39.253Z
Well done, and very impressive for a debut! I actually forgot there were starred entries because I took a break between grid and meta, but even without them I'd say this is about a week 2.5.
Tom Wilson 🤓9:08 · 2022-07-20T13:59:58.230Z
Anyone with the mindset and talent to construct a puzzle of any kind - and certainly a meta! - gets 48D from me. As noted by others, the mechanism was a familiar one ... but that didn't detract in the slightest from the enjoyment. Congrats on a worthy debut; looking forward to many more!
DrTom 20s · 2022-07-28T16:13:20.217Z
An EXCELLENT first effort and well planned out. The fill was, for the most part, very nice. I had trouble with LTE because I did not realize you meant phone data. I probably would have clued it: Halfway between 3 and 4G. You probably didn’t need the asterisks, though it made it much easier. The Theme answers were perfectly spaced (1) all the longest words (2) all symmetrical so that should be enough. The H – O, and similar, is common enough and intuitive enough, that most people should get it and also very clever for a first time constructor.
The answer did not really “click”; BOTTLE FLIP is something I think of with a water bottle (i.e. tossing and getting to stand on end). Still, your first effort is far better than mine and I know you will refine it.
Thanks for the puzzle, and please do not take anything in this post as criticism. I have had to learn that people who critique my puzzles (and the list is long) are doing it to help me.
KayW 🤓7:31 · 2023-07-12T22:14:17.283Z
I found this puzzle REALLY late - happened upon it just now and solved. Belated kudos on a great first meta! I for one appreciated a suggestive title and the asterisks. (the latter only because there were some entries of same length that were not theme entries)