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"Marie Antoinette's Dog" (Cryptic Mini #000000099)

◆◆ · Por bob weisz · Publicado 2024-07-18T10:00:56.742Z

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  • dilly 🤓21:10 · 2024-07-18T11:22:50.569Z
    Great as always, especially liked 7A, 8A, and 9D. Thanks!
    • bob weisz constructor · 2024-07-18T17:07:55.848Z
      Thank you! 8A is a personal favorite :)
    • Aaron Riccio 7:44 · 2024-07-18T16:50:00.215Z
      Had to check a stupid typo I made at 12D YOR instead of YER, alas. What an amazing entry at 8A; misdirects everywhere. Ditto for 9D! Two reverse letter banks (3D is particularly impressive). I very much liked [with all its tails chopped off] as a first-letter indicator, 13A's treatment of [Val Kilmer gutted] and [Clooney's last] was very smooth.
      • bob weisz constructor · 2024-07-18T23:12:08.054Z
        Thanks Aaron! 13A went through so many revisions... started out as an NBA-heavy clue, then I was gunning for a 90s Batman angle, which I largely dropped but kept the actors still :-). Glad you enjoyed!
        • Aaron Riccio 7:44 · 2024-07-19T01:31:22.050Z
          I was thinking you could've ended it with something like [being in a Tom Cruise film], but yeah, Batman was the first thing that came to mind with those two :)
          • bob weisz constructor · 2024-07-19T06:19:11.921Z
            Oh yeah I thought about that one too! But wasn't sure if that particular feature had enough staying power in the cultural consciousness. Plus, the "Asgard" angle gave people a hint even if they weren't familiar with the franchise, which would've been real tough with the Tom Cruise approach.
      • CanterburyEgg 4:00 · 2024-07-18T20:56:35.892Z
        Very fun! Had to reveal 2D, couldn't get around to it being an abbreviation double-def. Loved 1A and 13A! Probably could have done without poopoo and peepee, especially given we had hoohahs and cabooses already, but maybe that's just me. :)
        • bob weisz constructor · 2024-07-19T17:41:50.959Z
          That's fair! In fact I just changed 2D to help with the abbr: [Many a home in NYC is inclined (3)] ... I wanted that one to an easy step into the puzzle! Thanks for the feedback :)
        • SporcleMirror 🤓7:24 · 2024-07-19T07:30:44.726Z
          I've been watching a ton of GothamChess on YouTube recently and I MASSIVELY overthought 3D with FIRSTRANK. Which felt odd because all the (white) pieces start on the first rank, not just knights. Nevermind that it's (9) and not (5, 4), I just completely glossed over that. So I couldn't see CISGENDER for a while even though I knew the apple product was CIDER. And then without even trying to figure out the wordplay, I thought the answer could end in BACK and figured that it was going to be a football position or something, with Knight being the last name of an NFL player, maybe. Yeah, that's how my crossword-solving mind works at times.
          I really liked how well hidden the definition is in 9D.
          • dilly 🤓21:10 · 2024-07-19T11:56:20.083Z
            I thought 3D was FIRSTRANK for the longest time too! I was like "Knight's position when playing" is the def & something something wordplay. I think the letter bank wordplay was unfamiliar to me, so I couldn't exactly parse it either way, so my mind defaulted to chess, lack of (5, 4) notwithstanding.
          Drilling company suffering (8)
          1. 1A
            Drilling company suffering (8)
          2. 6A
            Peripheral wifi device doesn't start (5)
          3. 7A
            Soul producer and Malick back at odds (3)
          4. 8A
            Apple product gets second generation, but is keeping the original label? (9)
          5. 10A
            Individual bits of poopoo & peepee collectively known as "whoopsie" in Wisconsin (3)
          6. 11A
            Baby's skull forms around big hole (5)
          7. 13A
            Val Kilmer gutted over Clooney's last part, namely MCU's ruler of New Asgard (8)
          1. 1D
            Said bye-bye to Marie Antoinette's dog (4,4)
          2. 2D
            Many a home in NYC is inclined (3)
          3. 3D
            Knight's position when playing with every part of Shrek's hoohah & caboose (9)
          4. 4D
            Headless serpent deity, with all its tails chopped off, is barely there? (5)
          5. 5D
            Convertible car loses game (8)
          6. 9D
            All those in favor, stand up and take the Senate floor, in order to achieve peace (3,2)
          7. 12D
            You're casually overthrowing king of Spain? (3)