The Sheriff's put out a warrant. Put together two chess pieces of the same type to get the names of 4 known criminals. Then tell us the name of their gang and last known whereabouts.
¿Todo listo para comenzar?
para guardar tu progreso/estadísticas de crucigramas
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Also, was unsure about the theme. Robin Hood but also chess? Are the chess pieces just sort of thematically correlated with the robin hood characters, or was there some more direct relation that I was missing?
I mainly just wanted a set of similar-ish symbols that could be repeated to connect two entries and chess pieces were a broad enough set. I then just went with broad associations from character to piece. I admit I'm still learning how to construct with clarity in mind
Great puzzle! I think my favorite was TILDEN because yo hablo español y el "~" is a real problem sometimes! (I didn't know the Governor of New York so I had to look him up, and when I saw his name I lol'd ) Thanks for the fun solve.