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Cryptic 5x5 #23 by tuber

· Por tuber · Publicado 2023-10-24T08:53:29.606Z

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  • Aaron Riccio 🤓3:31 · 2023-10-24T16:39:32.856Z
    I very much liked 7A and 2D. Short words are hard to clue in interesting ways, so I appreciate seeing you find good ones!
    • tuber constructor · 2023-10-24T17:08:04.859Z
      Hello again solvers, and thanks for having a peek at another of my mini-cryptic shenanigans. Hope I didn't strike too many bum notes. Follow along at for notifications whenever I post a new puzzle, which is to say, about once or twice a week (rarely more and often less.) Here comes the wash-up:
      ÀCROSS. 1A. Reversal of "water level" = TIDE. 4A. Reversal of "paddles" = BATS. 6A. Hidden in "dobermANNULtimately". 7A. Containment of "medium" = M in "service without hope of return" = ACE. 8A. Reversal of "look" = PEEK.
      DOWN. 1D. Reversal of "stake" = ANTE. 2D. Containment of "cake's first" = C in "Scandinavian" = DANE. 3D. anag. TEAL. 4D. Initial letters. 5D. "bad" = BUM + "parking" = P.
      I'm aware that this one's got a lot of reversals, for which sameness I can only apologise.
      • Pedagogue 2:03 · 2023-10-24T18:56:47.540Z
        I really enjoyed this cryptic. I only had one problem with "stalemate".
        • frostyjhammer 🤓2:09 · 2023-10-24T19:56:08.282Z
          Enjoyable little puzzle, with approachable cluing throughout, thank you.
          • tuber constructor · 2023-10-24T22:31:42.667Z
            My key regret for this puzzle is that I couldn't find a fair way to clue BUMP with a variant on the phrase "parking at rear".
            • ads 5:04 · 2023-10-25T07:58:00.672Z
              Nice cryptic! For your explanation, did you mean that 8A was a double meaning instead of reversal?
              • tuber constructor · 2023-10-25T09:03:02.170Z
                Thanks! 8A's intended as a reversal ("over") of "look" = PEEK, but is there another meaning of "look" or "look over" that I've, er, overlooked?
                • Elle 8:43 · 2023-10-25T19:35:11.893Z
                  That's the meaning I got, too. Keep as in "to observe or pay regard to", seemed to also match "look over" (as in "watch over".)
              • girlcow 🤓1:57 · 2023-10-26T00:29:41.640Z
                love these, thanks :)
                • catachresis 🤓4:41 · 2024-01-04T12:05:31.090Z
                  Extremely clean and approachable! Unique word choice with indicators ("tangled", "stake raised"), which went a long way in making every clue feel different.
                  Adapt to water level in retreat (4)
                  1. 1A
                    Adapt to water level in retreat (4)
                  2. 4A
                    Paddles about causing sharp pain (4)
                  3. 6A
                    Dobermann ultimately retains void contract (5)
                  4. 7A
                    High point for medium in service without hope of return (4)
                  5. 8A
                    Look over fortification (4)
                  1. 1D
                    Stake raised by Sicilian boomer? (4)
                  2. 2D
                    Scandinavian eating cake's first to tango? (5)
                  3. 3D
                    Tangled teal yarn (4)
                  4. 4D
                    Stalemate as North Korean leaders fell (4)
                  5. 5D
                    Bad parking causes prang (4)