Inspired by The Telegraph's Plusword. The bottom and rightmost rows are Wordle answers. After completing the crossword, use the shaded letters to solve it. To solve the bottom row, read the clues horizontally. To solve the rightmost row, read the clues vertically.
Thanks for solving my puzzles! Any feedback is appreciated.
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pythoncodingveryfun constructor · hace alrededor de 1 año
Thanks for solving my puzzle! Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Fun idea! I appreciate your efforts to finding a unique solution. Were many other fills possible, given the dictionaries and code?
pythoncodingveryfun constructor · hace alrededor de 1 año
Of the generated words that I considered "not obscure", I could have used SCION and SONIC but I was worried that some solvers might not know what a scion was.
Anonym00se 2:15 · hace alrededor de 1 año
Was quite fun! Accidentally misread 3D as saying "neck" instead of "snack" and was confused for quite some time haha.