In this puzzle, you'll also find a Canadian capital city - built into the grid like in a word search! Because this isn't your typical wordsearch, of course, there need to be some special rules: 1) the name can be written forward or backward, and placed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally; 2) the name is written in a straight line, continuing over black blocks in its way, except 3) if the name reaches the edges of the grid, it will continue at a ninety degree angle from the original direction, forming an L shape.
¿Todo listo para comenzar?
para guardar tu progreso/estadísticas de crucigramas
Este es un crucigrama meta o de concurso. Para presentar tu respuesta, primero termina de resolver la cuadrícula (o revélala si te trabas o si la resolviste sin conexión).
Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)
Morendil solved hace 2 meses
Hector solved hace 2 meses
kieranjboyd solved hace 2 meses
poutyimpala solved hace 2 meses
cohdane solved hace alrededor de 2 meses
sparrow solved hace alrededor de 1 mes
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