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Rebus Hustle #5

· Por Tuffy · Publicado 2022-06-29T17:35:13.074Z

Constructor's Note
For this cryptic, some squares may include two or three letters per square. The rebus tool is necessary to complete this puzzle. 10 starts off with the shaded cell in 7.
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  • Account 🤓5:53 · 2022-06-29T18:37:41.191Z
    Great as always!
    • kieranjboyd 5:17 · 2022-06-29T23:03:31.641Z
      Love the innovation for these! I'd be careful with using too many unchecked squares though, or gimmicks like reusing a cell like in 10A, on top of the "each cell has an unknown number of letters" trick (to be fair to the audience). I prefer US style cryptic cluing over the UK style (getting (-pa)ST(-r)Y in 6A is a bit too convoluted for me), but I loved 1A, and the surface of 5D is great! Keep it up!
      • Tuffy constructor · 2022-06-30T16:13:53.322Z
        Yeah, the 10A clue was definitely not a good idea in hindsight, I'm going to avoid that in the future, and will also keep in mind to not make clues too convoluted for the sake of fairness. Thanks for the feedback!
      "Mine, mine...alright, that all looks good-waaiiiit a minute..." (6, 4)
      1. 1A
        "Mine, mine...alright, that all looks good-waaiiiit a minute..." (6, 4)
      2. 4A
        I left captain to cook (4)
      3. 6A
        Hovel in Pennsylvania initially ran out of dessert (3)
      4. 8A
        Jerusalem lacks bend and traded witch trials for snake and rodent (6)
      5. 9A
        Emotion for a bit of church or damnation (5)
      6. 10A
        Should Edward's bottom half be yellow? (7, with shaded box of 7D in front)
      1. 1D
        Asshole sickly coughed last lung out (6)
      2. 2D
        Customer for 4-Across, perhaps, mashed potatoes (6)
      3. 3D
        Most important panel for input device (8)
      4. 5D
        Harrison embraces Jones's origin, they're not in Indiana, more likely found in Norway and Iceland (5)
      5. 7D
        Eat, spit out heart regularly (4)