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Anagrammy 1 :]

· Por Sara Cantor · Publicado 2020-11-17T20:36:31.717Z · Crosshare's Daily Mini for 11/29/2020

The answer to every clue is a word that is an anagram of another word, and that’s the word you use to fill in the grid!
Ex: Clue is “Aries symbol”, the answer to which is RAM, an anagram of which is ARM, so the entry might be ARM. Some words have more than one anagram, such as MAR for the above example, so you might have some initially incorrect entries that have to later be corrected based on the rest of the grid.
For this puzzle, every entry is an English word, no phrases, initialisms, or proper nouns.
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  • Mike D 🤓2:03 · 2020-11-17T20:42:37.304Z
    This was really tricky and I absolutely loved it! Nice job!
    • Sara Cantor constructor · 2020-11-18T04:57:10.249Z
      Thank you!!
    • tara 🤓46s · 2020-11-17T20:57:10.454Z
      i am a freaking genius's
      • Mike D 🤓2:03 · 2020-11-17T21:14:56.640Z
        • Sara Cantor constructor · 2020-11-18T04:57:02.736Z
          brain too big head keep fallin down
        • Kent D 🤓1:10 · 2020-11-17T23:29:26.585Z
          Now, THIS is a fun puzzle! (I was going to use an obvious anagram of THIS but thought better of it.)
          • Sara Cantor constructor · 2020-11-18T04:56:41.142Z
            Thanks, and nothing wrong with some HITS!
          • Resident Mutt 🤓39s · 2020-11-19T18:15:14.934Z
            This was a fun 'un! Took a second to grok it ("Okay, so LIST... so obviously 1A is.... oh wait anagram it first, melon"), but it went quick for me! Maybe I just lucked out and then some ^^;
            • alina 🤓20s · 2020-11-19T23:56:32.932Z
              Ah that was fun!! I got lucky w/ all my first guesses :O
              • Jesse Bergen 🤓32s · 2020-12-16T20:23:44.185Z
                Another great puzzle. Where'd you get the idea for the anagram element?
              • LuckyDog 🤓47s · 2020-12-17T23:21:32.151Z
                like how these make you think
                • Chris 6:50 · 2021-04-27T04:55:44.548Z
                  Nice! I had STAN for ANTS for the longest time before I realized it was off.
                  • Joah 👇39s · 2021-08-14T06:25:57.712Z
                    I'm back where it all started. Nice puzzle!
                    • Phil The 🤓1:38 · 2022-07-27T10:51:49.961Z
                      Critters you might see on the subway track
                      1. 1A
                        Critters you might see on the subway track
                      2. 5A
                        Denver, the ___ High City
                      3. 6A
                        One who provides support
                      4. 7A
                        Result of a fender bender
                      1. 1D
                        What Santa makes and checks twice
                      2. 2D
                        Polish, as a draft
                      3. 3D
                        Statistical average
                      4. 4D
                        Letter opener?