Sometimes you have to spell out a word, using just the FIRST or LAST letters of a set of other words. If you need to take the FIRST letters only, common indicators of this are INITIALLY, AT FIRST, START TO, BEGINNING TO etc. e.g. "Initially, found only raw kale for cutlery (4)" = FORK (Found Only Raw Kale) If you need to take the LAST letters only, common indicators are FINALLY, ULTIMATELY, IN THE END etc. e.g. "Ultimately, plump Jedi scarfs pizza in Italian town (4)" = PISA (plumP jedI scarfS pizzA). Sometimes, though, instead of spelling out a word, you have to REMOVE the FIRST or LAST letter of one word to make another. Sometimes you are given the word you have to doctor in the clue, e.g. "Vomit, but not initially, and miss out (4)" = OMIT Sometimes ,to make it a bit harder, you are given only a DEFINITION of the word you have to doctor, e.g. "Endless Icelandic story makes you deflate (3)" = SAGA minus the last letter = SAG. Other indicators of NO FIRST LETTER are HEADLESS, DECAPITATED, WITHOUT A LEADER, WITHOUT A FRONT etc. Indicators of NO LAST LETTER include CUT TAIL OFF, DOCK, ALMOST, NEARLY, UNFINISHED etc.