Hey Folk. Welcome back to yet another part of the Literary Mini Series. First of all, I want to give a shout-out to Sendhil Revuluri who recommended I make a blog to put all of my stuff. I will link it to the bottom of this blog post and all other blog posts moving forward. Follow it to see the Literary Mini Series and also anything I may cook up in the future. Now onto my normal spiel.
This Literary work has a very special place in my heart because one of my relatives (can't be too specific on the internet) has a degree in acting and got their first role as {Spoiler if you are a literature nerd} a rather grave character from a version of this work back in high school. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy this one and if you have any comments, criticisms, questions, or {Literature Nerd Spoiler} plagues on my house, let me know in the comments section.
Type of Literary Work:
Literary Work:
Romeo and Juliet by
William Shakespeare It was the actual play that my relative was in, but I didn't want to explicitly give away that it was a play in a non spoiler section. They were Mercutio, if you didn't catch the literary spoilers