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There's More To This (Meta)

· Por benchen71 · Publicado 2023-09-26T06:00:51.851Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is a good additional ability for a seer to have
Here's a very recently constructed puzzle for you! I'm about 12 months ahead preparing MOATs, even after releasing the MOAT Music Meta Pack (which is still available here: But this is a special one so I've brought it forward. The answer to the meta is a good additional ability for a seer to have. Answer & explanation:
Future-proofing: If you think you know what you were supposed to do to solve this meta but it didn't work, that is, you constructed a tinyurl but it gave an error, just go straight to which is where the tinyurl link would have taken you.
Check out "The MOAT MEOW Mashup Pack" here: US$10 gives you access to 14 metas that don't always abide by the "rules" of the game. You won't quite know what to expect: asymmetry, 2-letter words, uncrossed letters, sometimes all of those, and sometimes none! One thing is for sure, these are some of the more creative metas my brain has been able to come up with. And there's more: this time there's a mega-meta!
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…

Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Laura M solved 2023-09-26T06:21:44.697Z
  • Philip Chow solved 2023-09-26T08:09:13.656Z
  • Hector solved 2023-09-26T13:03:56.059Z
  • KayW solved 2023-09-26T14:02:54.886Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-09-26T15:38:53.233Z
  • SamKat9 solved 2023-09-26T15:52:03.910Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-09-26T18:56:08.396Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2023-09-26T21:56:04.285Z
  • DJB solved 2023-09-27T00:11:13.829Z
  • boharr solved 2023-09-27T00:40:44.212Z
  • Berto solved 2023-09-27T11:14:56.458Z
  • Darth solved 2023-09-27T13:25:32.342Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-09-27T14:21:44.343Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-09-27T15:52:13.197Z
  • rjy solved 2023-09-27T22:39:36.967Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-09-27T23:04:51.061Z
  • Meg solved 2023-09-27T23:19:51.695Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-09-28T00:33:07.032Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-09-28T01:01:03.835Z
  • markhr solved 2023-09-28T06:00:42.917Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2023-09-28T08:05:51.599Z
  • MrTheHan solved 2023-09-28T13:43:25.513Z
  • DCBilly solved 2023-09-28T13:44:13.153Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-09-28T14:52:43.006Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-09-28T16:02:43.162Z
  • JM solved 2023-09-28T17:16:48.071Z
  • ajk solved 2023-09-28T17:29:05.386Z
  • DrButtBeard solved 2023-09-28T18:02:49.285Z
  • dannyvee solved 2023-09-28T18:28:44.685Z
  • woozy solved 2023-09-28T23:34:00.763Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-09-29T12:52:50.370Z
  • rayyandroid solved 2023-09-29T15:02:27.934Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-09-29T20:02:08.053Z
  • hoover solved 2023-09-29T20:41:14.243Z
  • ReB solved 2023-09-30T00:41:18.817Z
  • Tane solved 2023-09-30T01:07:27.423Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-10-01T04:30:45.526Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-10-01T15:17:45.711Z
  • Abide solved 2023-10-02T00:48:34.363Z
  • DIS solved 2023-10-02T15:08:28.913Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-10-03T11:39:17.903Z


Inicia sesión con Google para dejar un comentario tuyo:

  • Laura M 🤓6:57 · 2023-09-26T06:22:57.007Z
    That was very cool! And also, all of my first ideas worked out, which never happens :-)
    • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-26T08:05:08.473Z
      Well done on being first solver! Glad you enjoyed the journey. ;-)
    • Philip Chow 7:01 · 2023-09-26T08:11:56.834Z
      Yes very cool puzzle indeed!! Took me forever to figure out what to do with all those i’s… your ingenuity continues to amaze me
      • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-26T09:31:15.338Z
        There was the vaguest of hints in the first puzzle. I was hoping you might notice "Useful" in 9D!
      • Hector 🤓7:23 · 2023-09-26T13:14:59.813Z
        Cool! I had even a more complex path to the second puzzle, as I got an error from tinyurl locking me out of their system: Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access (so I used my phone's browser to fetch the redirected crosshare URL).
        • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-26T22:08:37.052Z
          Weird! Glad you were able to circumvent the problem.
        • KayW 🤓6:11 · 2023-09-26T14:04:44.156Z
          Fantastic idea and construction- so fun to solve. Thanks, Ben!
          • MatthewL 🤓7:52 · 2023-09-26T15:39:49.953Z
            That was an adventure! I don't know how you come up with all of these crazy clever metas. Thanks for the puzzle, Ben!
            • SamKat9 🤓8:41 · 2023-09-26T15:53:08.305Z
              That was pretty awesome, I really had to put my thinking cap on!
              • DrTom 3s · 2023-09-26T19:01:16.340Z
                VERY clever! I got the MORES and thought, "Wow, that is going to be too easy!" HA! The TINYURL thing was BRILLIANT, and when I got there and solved I kept looking for more mores, or EYES or I's...nothing. I tried VISION because that seemed like it would be a good ability and a few more things but was faltering. I asked myself, "but why would Ben send us to a second site...SECOND SITE, hey that sounds like SECOND SIGHT which I know applies to the ability to see the future. Would he, could he, did he...darn right he did. Very amusing and satisfying puzzle Ben.
                • MatthewL 🤓7:52 · 2023-09-26T21:49:57.052Z
                  I didn't even twig to the SECOND SITE thing until I read this. An added level of cleverness!
                  • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-26T22:07:58.292Z
                    Glad you noticed the pun. It was indeed intended!
                    • rjy 8s · 2023-09-28T15:19:34.094Z
                      wow... so many layers!
                  • HeadinHome 🤓2:51 · 2023-09-26T21:56:42.431Z
                    Finally! Got tripped up by the double I. This was so clever!
                    • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-26T22:07:23.844Z
                      Glad you made it in the end. It's tricky when the meta mechanism letter is the same as a letter in the answer!
                    • boharr 7s · 2023-09-27T00:41:47.093Z
                      DrTom threw me a life jacket so I could cross the moat.
                      • DrTom 3s · 2023-09-27T04:46:23.612Z
                        Well Dang it, this was more clever that I was aware of. I thought the Second Sight was completely related to the word play of being sent to a Second Site, and that is how I got the answer. It was only when someone commented about "Second Site" being a revelation to them that I realized there must be a meta way to do it and went back to the puzzle. Why all those Is didn't register in the first place I don't know, but "meets the eyes (plural)" should have been a tip as well. I guess I just falsely confirmed it in my own head as "Meets the Eye", so as much as I liked this, I like it more now. Super puzzle Ben!
                        • benchen71 constructor · 2023-09-27T05:42:17.625Z
                          My pleasure!
                        • Darth 🤓7:44 · 2023-09-27T13:26:53.501Z
                          Wow! Two for one! Fun one, and an amazing meta idea!
                          • MrTheHan 🤓6:20 · 2023-09-28T13:45:55.485Z
                            Raise your hand if you also briefly thought that the meta was related to the non-answers in the clues (now there's an idea...). The tinyurl trick reminded me of many a puzzlehunt twist -- thanks for scratching that itch!
                            • Ergcat 15:01 · 2023-09-28T14:53:44.748Z
                              Very clever! Needed the nudges though I had an idea of what needed to be done… thank you, Ben, that was fun!
                              • rjy 8s · 2023-09-28T15:47:04.288Z
                                Had everything in front of me but just didn't "see" it, until the gentlest of nudges. I use tinyurl all that time and whipped past that clue, never fully reading it... oof! I fixated instead on 9D which seemed like it wanted to be a hint. Before, before, before, before... nuttin. But still a great aha! with the second puzzle. Also got tripped on the double-I, but took a step back and saw where you were going with this. What a fun trek!!
                                • kurtalert 🤓3:52 · 2023-09-28T16:06:09.256Z
                                  Wow. So good. I struggled to figure out what to do with the tinyurl clue, even though I did figure tinyurl + the more clues was a path SOMEWHERE. Was very happy to see some nudges waiting for me this morning so I could solve it. Awesome!
                                  • ajk 🤓5:57 · 2023-09-28T17:33:19.579Z
                                    Very spiffy indeed. I quickly figured out that I was supposed to construct a tinyurl, but my standard entries-only blinders prevented me from seeing all the mores in the clues until the third nudge. Really need to put a post-it on my computer that says 'check the damn clues' or something. :) Once I had the second one done I was on the right track in that I focused on the I's, but I didn't quite figure out how to focus properly until nudge 6. And didn't even realize the pun until I came here. Very impressive work, thanks!
                                    • Bird Lives 4s · 2023-09-29T20:06:33.132Z
                                      I didn't even have first sight. My blindness about all the more clues had to be pointed out. (And no, the person doing so did not point to a clue and say,, "That's a more.") Then there was my ignorance about tinyurl. I had no idea you could customize it. But when I did finally get there, I guessed the answer before filling in a single letter in the grid, so that mechanism was a quick find. Brilliant idea.
                                      • hoover 3s · 2023-09-29T20:42:02.594Z
                                        • ReB 3s · 2023-09-30T00:50:53.954Z
                                          This felt like a classic treasure hunt where each discovery is the clue to the next step. Fortunately the second meta was straightforward as I was sure the last nudge was the key, which is was. Curious coincidence this week as I'm sure you've noticed, but can't say more at this time...Quite a TOUR DE FRANCE...(Oh, did I misspeak here?)
                                          Russian currency
                                          1. 1A
                                            Russian currency
                                          2. 6A
                                            "That's more than I need to know!" (in a text)
                                          3. 9A
                                          4. 14A
                                            Construction girder shaped like a letter
                                          5. 15A
                                            Layer of an egg
                                          6. 16A
                                          7. 17A
                                            Keeps going just when you think everything's good and done
                                          8. 19A
                                            Unit of capacitance
                                          9. 20A
                                            More than a peeve
                                          10. 21A
                                            Printing widths
                                          11. 22A
                                          12. 23A
                                            School on the Thames
                                          13. 24A
                                            Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the US from 1965 to 1969
                                          14. 26A
                                            Bed for a baby
                                          15. 28A
                                            Lively dance
                                          16. 29A
                                            Grade-boosting course
                                          17. 32A
                                            Brown quickly leaving the inside nice and rare, as a steak (yum!)
                                          18. 34A
                                            Village People song
                                          19. 38A
                                            More or less
                                          20. 39A
                                            Shortened link website that needs 9 more letters to function properly (with ".com/")
                                          21. 42A
                                            "What's more..."
                                          22. 43A
                                            Went flat, like a battery
                                          23. 45A
                                          24. 46A
                                            Protein building block, for short
                                          25. 48A
                                            Peace of mind
                                          26. 50A
                                          27. 51A
                                            Obstacles on a golf course that might require the thick end of the wedge
                                          28. 55A
                                            Programming instruction that can lead to spaghetti code
                                          29. 59A
                                            Mouth moisture
                                          30. 60A
                                            Tech. that tries to prevent piracy but just gets in the way of fair use
                                          31. 61A
                                            Once more
                                          32. 62A
                                          33. 63A
                                            What I tell my maths students should ring in their head when they see a negative sign
                                          34. 65A
                                            More rational
                                          35. 66A
                                            Get ___ of (eliminate)
                                          36. 67A
                                            Lord or Lady
                                          37. 68A
                                            Medical tube
                                          38. 69A
                                            "More later" on a sched.
                                          39. 70A
                                            Ferret relative
                                          1. 1D
                                            Nouveau ___
                                          2. 2D
                                            WWI menace
                                          3. 3D
                                            Box of Japanese cuisine
                                          4. 4D
                                            Delay before a transfer of data begins (which is really annoying while playing an online game)
                                          5. 5D
                                            Early Beatles label
                                          6. 6D
                                            Hitchhiker's digit
                                          7. 7D
                                            Reagan's attorney general
                                          8. 8D
                                            Shoo-___ (sure things)
                                          9. 9D
                                            Useful preposition that means "right in front of"
                                          10. 10D
                                            "That's it!"
                                          11. 11D
                                            Indoor courtyards
                                          12. 12D
                                            Russian mountain range
                                          13. 13D
                                            British-Nigerian singer whose name is a gift to cruciverbalists everywhere (and, no, it's not TAIO)
                                          14. 18D
                                            Without ice
                                          15. 22D
                                            "All the Light We Cannot See" author
                                          16. 25D
                                          17. 27D
                                            Muesli grain
                                          18. 29D
                                            Muslim holiday
                                          19. 30D
                                            "___ live and breathe!"
                                          20. 31D
                                            That girl
                                          21. 32D
                                            Emulate Billy Idol
                                          22. 33D
                                            Window of the soul
                                          23. 35D
                                            "Avril" follower (and LAVIGNE won't fit, I assure you!)
                                          24. 36D
                                            Anderson Cooper's channel
                                          25. 37D
                                            Big bother
                                          26. 40D
                                            App with pics, familiarly
                                          27. 41D
                                            Watson in the Holmes movies directed by Ritchie
                                          28. 44D
                                            Inhabitant (but with dark overtones, seemingly)
                                          29. 47D
                                            Quantity of computer data able to store a million ones or zeros
                                          30. 49D
                                            Commercial, Down Under
                                          31. 50D
                                            YouTube genre focused on auditory stimuli (abbr.)
                                          32. 51D
                                            Anwar of Egypt
                                          33. 52D
                                          34. 53D
                                            Go off script
                                          35. 54D
                                            The devil's fashion label of choice, supposedly
                                          36. 56D
                                            "You're ___ talk!"
                                          37. 57D
                                            "I cannot ___ lie"
                                          38. 58D
                                            Young barn bird
                                          39. 59D
                                          40. 63D
                                          41. 64D
                                            Peaks in a range (abbr.)