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· Por Raz369 · Publicado 2021-11-19T08:19:53.485Z

Constructor's Note
"10/10 Best Crossword Ever. Certified Mongus Moment." -Mike the Funny Man
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  • sus 🤓1:03 · 2021-11-19T12:08:37.220Z
    • Raz369 constructor · 2021-11-19T12:38:10.741Z
      (not clickbait)
    • Mike D 1:17 · 2021-11-19T13:15:01.767Z
      Red SUS
      • Raz369 constructor · 2021-11-19T17:03:09.678Z
        Mike SUS vote him out I saw him vent
      "We should ____ red"
      1. 1A
        "We should ____ red"
      2. 3A
        Cut off Cat Noise
      3. 4A
        (Continuation of 3D)
      4. 7A
        I have no idea what clue to put here so uuh it's like a word for accepting something but with a U instead of an E look man I'm not that used yet to making crosswords and I don't want to try and rework the rest of the puzzle so that this part fits. Besides this is a joke crossword in case you didn't get it, so to be honest not being able to come up with a good clue isn't that important. I don't care anyways. I'm the raz man. I wake up in the morning, I drink spronk water, and then I do a little dance, it goes like skibidi be do bo da bo do bo be di a bo be. You should see it sometime it is really cool. Also in case you're wondering I've been doing very well today and I hope you have a nice day too. Speaking of that there was this one time were I was taking the bike home and there was like a pile of potatoes in the bike lane, I got kinda annoyed at it but it was kind of funny in a way. Like the stack was pretty big man, must have been like fifty potatoes. Oh wait you're sill reading this? Well the answer is Taku, you can have it. But to be completely honest In case i didn't get my point across already I really do in fact think that cats should be able to vote. Like have you ever talked to a cat before about politics? They are very based and even bring up some strong arguments to back up their claims. But unfortunately that's all the time I have for now, we should talk more later sometime!
      1. 1D
        "I saw red in _____"
      2. 2D
      3. 3D
        Best Word Ever (Continues in 4A)
      4. 5D
      5. 6D
        "He's acting kinda ___"