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Oliver Hardy 7:38 · 2024-01-11T06:23:17.872Z
I couldn't get any of these. You are far too clever for me. I would welcome parsing for every clue.
merlinnimue 7:44 · 2024-01-11T17:41:27.065Z
i had to bail as well, definitely way beyond my fading skills or lack thereof, still thanks for the education, painful though the lesson may be
not to speak for the constructor, but here's what i had for the parses, anyone can feel free to correct me
1awESt cOASt, but with the first part put at the end ("finally")
4addef - i had CROWD, which probably was my biggest stumbling block
5areally tough one - G ($1000), then M (mega) inside (bridge-ing) E (bEt heart) and S (spades)
1danagram of CROS (no w)
2dsmall = S, era = EPOCH
3danagram of WEST plus side of Story?
Oliver Hardy 7:38 · 2024-01-11T21:07:32.863Z
Thanks for the comments. 5A I've never seen "bridge" used as a containment indicator; it is not in any of my references. Is it fair to split up an abbreviation (MB) into constituent parts? "Mega" on its own isn't in Chambers abbreviation dictionary.
Thanks for giving it a go. I don’t own a copy of Chambers abbreviation dictionary, but they do have an entry for “mega-“ in their online dictionary, with “symbol M”: