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🐥 Mini Cryptic 🐤

· Por Kookoo · Publicado 2024-06-09T02:30:04.183Z

Constructor's Note
If you couldn't tell from my name, you should be able to tell from this puzzle that I like birds. Some clues are a bit rough, but I hope you enjoy! :)
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  • Kookoo constructor · 2024-06-09T02:30:04.183Z
    1A: my crow/micro
    4A: tut + ti
    5A: hero(-i)n(-e)
    1D: ddef
    2D: cat + er
    3D: on(i)on
    • JWords 🤓4:32 · 2024-06-09T05:50:57.878Z
      Nice work, a fun solve! All of your wordplay works smoothly and I have no qualms with any of the cryptic elements. 1A and 4A are my favourites. I think sometimes your surface readings are a little off (1D and 2D, say) and you can afford to be a bit more subversive with your definitions — e.g. if you’re using “contest” to define MATCH (as a noun), then use “contest” as a verb in the clue. Thanks for the puzzle, I look forward to more.
      • Kookoo constructor · 2024-06-09T08:27:41.395Z
        Glad you enjoyed it! I try and be simple with my definitions because it's what I prefer when solving, but I can try to throw in some more complex ones for you :)
      • dilly 🤓5:32 · 2024-06-09T13:20:30.210Z
        Fun, I also like birds! 1A & 5A were my favorites.
        • Jamixiy 3:49 · 2024-06-09T14:31:49.337Z
          That's why he's the MVP, that's why he's the GOAT, the GOAT!
          • Aaron Riccio 🤓2:44 · 2024-06-09T14:34:02.480Z
            I don't know if you've ever solved a puzzle by Liari (, but there's another bird-lover for you! 1A is my favorite. I think most outlets would frown upon 5A: deletions should be consecutive. (I know this because I've gotten flak about this before!) I agree with JWords that 2D probably needs some work as a surface. Using something like [feed] as a synonym might help.
            • Kookoo constructor · 2024-06-09T23:53:30.434Z
              I might check some of Liari's puzzles out, thanks for the recommendation! Good to know for 5A, was hoping dismembered would take care of that, but I guess not.
            Reportedly, bird I own is tiny (5)
            1. 1A
              Reportedly, bird I own is tiny (5)
            2. 4A
              Sign of disapproval: leading tone played by full orchestra (5)
            3. 5A
              Bird that is dismembered and taken from female savior (5)
            1. 1D
              Candle-lighter contest (5)
            2. 2D
              "Bird catcher, uh..., supply food" (5)
            3. 3D
              Two old knights eating one burger topper (5)