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Cryptic #10 - Your turn, idiot!

· Por jasonwestley · Publicado 2022-05-04T11:17:16.574Z

Meta Prompt
This is a themed cryptic. There are 12 answers, mostly symmetrical, that fit the theme. They hint at a person, and that person's surname is the meta solution. The title is not a clue to the meta, but it is a clue. I mean one of the actual clues. I couldn't think of a good title, so I just used that instead.
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Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • kieranjboyd solved 2022-05-04T13:06:16.304Z
  • andeux solved 2022-05-05T00:40:35.264Z
  • Ira Hanson solved 2022-05-07T21:54:07.362Z
  • Account solved 2022-05-08T11:42:59.421Z
  • Aaron Riccio solved 2022-06-16T00:43:37.528Z
  • wisprabbit solved 2022-08-02T22:25:49.730Z
  • Tuffy solved 2022-11-02T20:03:28.641Z


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  • kieranjboyd 🤓13:19 · 2022-05-04T13:09:44.262Z
    Awesome puzzle! Some great clues in there, with fun flavour all around. Lovely symmetric placement of the theme entries too. Any reason you went with MANDY instead of something like KNOWING where ABSTAIN is, for true symmetry? In any case, great work!
    • jasonwestley constructor · 2022-05-04T14:33:22.329Z
      Thanks! KNOWING wouldn't have fit across with RAISING, which was required for one of the pairs. That said, I picked the movies I wanted in advance of filling in the grid, and didn't think to go back and look for others that might fit. A bit lazy of me. I'm normally quite precious about symmetry so I'm not sure why I included the two non-symmetrical themed entries :D
      • kieranjboyd 🤓13:19 · 2022-05-04T22:11:47.229Z
        Of course it wouldn't've fit with RAISING. D'oh! Still, great puzzle!
    • jasonwestley constructor · 2022-05-04T14:33:07.119Z
      Thanks! KNOWING wouldn't have fit across with RAISING, which was required for one of the pairs. That said, I picked the movies I wanted in advance of filling in the grid, and didn't think to go back and look for others that might fit. A bit lazy of me. I'm normally quite precious about symmetry so I'm not sure why I included the two non-symmetrical themed entries :D
      • George Ho 1:02:00 · 2022-05-07T04:10:44.885Z
        Really fun puzzle! Don’t know much about Cage so I struggled a bit, but really liked 13A and 29A!
        • Aaron Riccio 🤓26:53 · 2022-06-16T00:54:01.007Z
          Lovely puzzle, and knowing Cage allowed me to back-solve/confirm a few clues (like 31A). Only rough bit was the dupe of FACE, but both of those clues are terrific, so I can understand wanting to keep 'em. 
          I particularly liked/was fooled by "Grant loses his ancestor" (5A), "Stop all communication" (15A), "naughty naked ninja" (25D), and 26A, 29A, 2D, 18D.
          • jasonwestley constructor · 2022-06-17T10:57:40.817Z
            Thanks Aaron. Glad you enjoyed it. Weirdly, I hadn't even noticed the FACE repetition. Definitely something I'll be mindful of in future!
          • wisprabbit 🤓18:00 · 2022-08-02T22:29:10.671Z
            this was really lovely. I appreciated the symmetry with the films RAISING ARIZONA, NATIONAL TREASURE, GHOST RIDER and, of course, SEACOW BARBER. The clue for AXIS is really good too. Thanks!
            • jasonwestley constructor · 2022-08-03T12:12:37.705Z
              Thanks wisprabbit. Seacow Barber is one of his more obscure, arthouse movies :)
            Game developer in boat with manatee (6)
            1. 1A
              Game developer in boat with manatee (6)
            2. 5A
              Comfort half-heartedly, after Grant loses his ancestor's jewels (8)
            3. 9A
              Mysterious, ancient test, eliminating one hundred young superheroes (4,6)
            4. 10A
              1 + 10 = x or y, perhaps? (4)
            5. 11A
              An executive in very, very loud confrontation (4,3)
            6. 13A
              Don't vote for a second-class dictator banishing liberal leader (7)
            7. 15A
              Stop all communication with head of German army (5)
            8. 16A
              Supports and thanks George and Edward behind the scenes (9)
            9. 19A
              King and queen, for example, stand up to scoundrels smuggling royal crown (4,5)
            10. 21A
              Embarrassed, I run around cyclist (5)
            11. 24A
              Win in overwhelming style, coming from behind after strike (4,3)
            12. 26A
              Dwayne Johnson initially keen on Californian drama about Republican (3,4)
            13. 28A
              Your turn, idiot! (4)
            14. 29A
              Warm-up question for polar navigator? (10)
            15. 31A
              I own no whiskey in the east of South Africa; it's owned by the government (8)
            16. 32A
              Outlaw smuggling rubies on a regular basis; he might cut locks (6)
            1. 2D
              I heard lead character in Lolita has grey hair (7)
            2. 3D
              Nerdy gathering on physics, for example, might provide moral clarity (3)
            3. 4D
              Like a skunk who loses its tail, a bit dubious (6)
            4. 5D
              "Salver" sounds very French (4)
            5. 6D
              Ignoring wife, we ask Ebay to order little oven (4-4)
            6. 7D
              Samoan rats regularly cause pain (5)
            7. 8D
              Bringing up part of opera is ingenious (7)
            8. 12D
              Follow us back east, beyond where Iran ends (5)
            9. 14D
              Barry's girl, Dorothy, loses her heart following Guy (5)
            10. 17D
              Judge who has a go? (5)
            11. 18D
              Devotee accepts gold and it's corrupt, like a deal with the devil (8)
            12. 20D
              Phoenix's location, in fantastical place I found back in central Karnak (7)
            13. 22D
              Evacuate from former Greek island (7)
            14. 23D
              Baby bear eats that girl's little angel (6)
            15. 25D
              King, first of all, leads naughty naked ninja and some Japanese characters (5)
            16. 27D
              Duck illegally takes wings off (4)
            17. 30D
              Melody composed by Gershwin, transposing final note (3)