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π Day Mini

· Por SamuRai · Publicado 2024-03-14T04:13:03.815Z

Nerd out on this one. Given the amount of Pi Day merchandise you can now purchase, it won’t be long until Hallmark has Pi Day cards. That’s my limit. Until then, grab a slice and enjoy.
侍 SamuRai
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  • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓55s · 2024-03-14T14:45:08.371Z
    Fun, thank you! (I think I have your 2D cable, because I have one extra.) 1A was hilarious and 5D was evil. Happy Pi Day!
    • SamuRai constructor · 2024-03-14T16:20:43.338Z
      So glad you enjoyed it. 5D might be my favorite clue/answer I’ve written. A family member joked about one of my first puzzle attempts “Lots of math, Computer clues, Contains Misspellings. Yep, Sam must have made this.” 5D is my targeted response to that comment.
    • heron 🤓1:02 · 2024-03-14T18:25:27.880Z
      THREE reminds me of also EXEMS is evil omg
      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-03-14T21:07:58.797Z
        My inspiration for 1-across was when the Indiana State House of Representatives passed legislation fixing the value of π to 3.2. Thankfully a mathematician happened to be visiting when the Senate considered the bill and successfully argued against it. As for 5-down, that might be the hill I die on. Thanks for getting some joy out of it.
      • mbensley 🤓6:24 · 2024-03-17T14:58:34.333Z
        5D: hilarious, even if spent 5 minutes staring before I got it!
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-03-17T16:58:12.081Z
          That means I’m not laughing alone. Glad you had fun with it.
        A rough approximation of π
        1. 1A
          A rough approximation of π
        2. 6A
          Intimately between two people (à trois moins un)
        3. 7A
          ______ pie, eventually became a phrase of contrition (when eaten)
        4. 8A
          One of a set
        5. 9A
          Last year's jrs.
        1. 1D
          2π, now that Pi Day is mainstream real math nerds celebrate this day on June 28th
        2. 2D
          TV cable I always seem to have one less than I need
        3. 3D
          When that Korean boy band finishes their military service they could tour again as _____.
        4. 4D
          Swiss mathematician who proved e^(πi)-1=0
        5. 5D
          As a math kid, I failed too many spelling _____.