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Jake’s Mini Cryptic #16

· Por Jake A · Publicado 2024-02-03T01:16:05.581Z

Constructor's Note
I have two favorites in this puzzle and I wonder if you know which they are. Please let me know what you liked and what you didn’t. Happy Solving!
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  • nate 🤓3:11 · 2024-02-03T04:58:04.141Z
    Fun, thanks! I like 3D
    • rjy 5:44 · 2024-02-03T05:55:43.620Z
      Same! Confused about 1D tho, if someone could explain
      • Hector 🤓1:20 · 2024-02-03T06:12:50.677Z
        Same as well. In 1D I think the supposition is IF, which fills FES, i.e., Fester's foremost. Fifes and drums are associated with colonial-era armies, at least here in the US.
        • rjy 5:44 · 2024-02-03T11:44:53.558Z
          Thanks for that
          • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-03T14:21:27.449Z
            Bingo! Thanks, Hector!
          • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-03T14:20:42.914Z
            Thanks! Hector nailed the 1D explanation.
            • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-03T15:09:34.839Z
              Although, now that I look at it, “internal” is unnecessary and therefore likely to mislead. “Fills” indicates IF’s position within FES. I think I’ll scrap “internal.”
            • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-03T14:19:59.795Z
              Thanks, Nate! That is one of my faves!
            • Oliver Hardy 🤓2:39 · 2024-02-04T08:23:21.955Z
              Great - many thanks!
              • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-04T14:14:06.214Z
                Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks, Oliver!
              French suit bottom is apples and oranges (5)
              1. 1A
                French suit bottom is apples and oranges (5)
              2. 4A
                Fat Albert starts killing (5)
              3. 5A
                Tom follows crooked lips cleft in twain (5)
              1. 1D
                Supposition fills Fester’s foremost military flutes (5)
              2. 2D
                Lest I take no unnecessary heads regressing by this time (5)
              3. 3D
                I left the loo available for use (2,3)