WAY is another much used word in crosswords. Occasionally, it is an alternative to POINT or DIRECTION as a clue to N,S, E or W, but usually WAY = ROAD, STREET, PATH, DRIVE, AVENUE etc or an abbreviation of them (RD, ST, DR, AVE). MOTORWAY, meanwhile, in British crosswords, is usually M or MI (the M1 being the UK's foremost motorway) and RAILWAY = LINES = RY. British crossword compilers often don't move with the times, so it's not uncommon to get references to BR (British Rail - the old state-owned railway company which hasn't existed for 40 years) or even to Bradshaw or Beeching (google them, if you're sufficiently interested). But sometimes WAY does actually mean METHOD. And ONE'S USUAL WAY OF DOING THINGS = modus operandi = MO. If you enjoy my crosswords, please do check out the Cryptic Mystic's YouTube channel - a brilliant resource for beginner and developing cryptic crossworders, which has been kind enough to feature one of my puzzles: https://www.youtube.com/@The_Cryptic_Mystic
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Thanks again! I’m not sure I get part of 3D completely, ‘motorway’ = M, however, the ‘before notice way’ results in ‘ADE’, which seems like ‘AVE’ but with the V swapped for a D, but I’m not sure where that comes from exactly, what am I missing?