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NYT Minimised 2022-09-15

· Por kieranjboyd · Publicado 2022-09-15T03:50:40.162Z

Constructor's Note
Today's NYT author: Ruth Bloomfield Margolin
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  • JeffsPuzzles 🤓41s · 2022-09-15T11:58:30.496Z
    Fun puzzle, with a great clue on LOWER - and to me, the theme works better in a mini. The NYT puzzle is solid, but I felt like once I got the trick it was too much of the same thing.
    • Emma Oxford 🤓46s · 2022-09-15T14:13:39.072Z
      You are much more generous than the commenters on Crossword Fiend ( - how the heck do I get the words Crossword Fiend to link to this instead of having to put the full link in? IDK how anyone gets formatting in these comments) today. I quote, "I’ll just state the obvious: this one should never have seen the light of day."
      • kieranjboyd constructor · 2022-09-15T21:25:12.061Z
        See the "Link" section on this page.
        Ooft, those comments!
    • Jon 1:27 · 2022-09-15T13:29:06.316Z
      • Emma Oxford 🤓46s · 2022-09-15T14:16:25.488Z
        4D cracked me up, nice one. I still don't get this theme! Why does having one letter off the grid equate to "raising" or "lowering"? The entry has just been raised or lowered off the grid? WHY???? I like this mini way better than the NYT version though because, in what might be called "Evan Birnholz style," the words that are left in the grid are meaningful entries on their one. Thumbs up to that.
        • Emma Oxford 🤓46s · 2022-09-15T15:25:46.674Z
          *their own. (Mike, where is the edit comment feature??)
          • kieranjboyd constructor · 2022-09-15T21:28:00.272Z
            As someone who's done many more variety cryptic crosswords than straight crosswords, where the former often involve convoluted entry transformations that usually result in valid grid entries, put me squarely under the "Evan Birnholz" heading!
          • Maxish 🤓1:13 · 2022-09-15T14:18:48.494Z
            I like that ESTER is still a word. TBH, I wasn't thrilled with the NYT execution (not that I could do any better)
            • Mike D 🤓1:55 · 2022-09-15T22:27:39.955Z
              This was fun!
              • Jewel 4:58 · 2022-09-17T19:45:53.629Z
                Lower really got me!!!
                Poker table action [or what you have to do to one Down entry in this grid]
                1. 1A
                  Poker table action [or what you have to do to one Down entry in this grid]
                2. 6A
                  Certain piscivore avians
                3. 7A
                  Question after a joke that didn't land [such as 4D]
                4. 8A
                  In unison
                5. 9A
                  Cow, for one? [or what you have to do to one Down entry in this grid]
                1. 1D
                  Entertain lavishly, like a 5D might
                2. 2D
                  "You ___ __ beautiful/right/good to me"
                3. 3D
                  Like ducklings, vis-à-vis their mother
                4. 4D
                  "Did you hear about the guy who backflipped off a bridge in Paris? He was in _____!"
                5. 5D
                  They might laugh someone out of court