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Hector solved hace 4 meses
LarsCaine solved hace 4 meses
Morendil solved hace 4 meses
Mr Tex solved hace 4 meses
Pair O Ducks solved hace 4 meses
BarbaraK solved hace 4 meses
benchen71 solved hace 4 meses
JM solved hace 4 meses
Carolyn solved hace 4 meses
Meg solved hace 4 meses
Cindy Weatherman solved hace 4 meses
Danny K Bernstein solved hace 4 meses
rjy solved hace 4 meses
FrankieHeck solved hace 4 meses
DIS solved hace 3 meses
hoover solved hace 3 meses
DrTom solved hace 3 meses
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The meta answer is INVERT (Hint: Look for a 6-letter verb). The name of the puzzle was "Opposition Leaders." The 6 longest Across answers are 2-word phrases, the first of which all are opposites of other words. Rather, the "leaders" of those 6 answers are words with other words in "opposition" to them:
Those first words--SUPERIOR, DAY, APPEAR, WEST, LEFT and, BOTTOM--are the opposites of INFERIOR, NIGHT, VANISH, EAST, RIGHT, AND TOP.
Now what? The first letters of those words (again, "leaders") spell the word INVERT, a word alluding making something opposite, and a 6-letter verb that satisfies the puzzle's hint.
That seems to be the one of the six themers that's the stickiest, but glad you got it! Cheers :)
hoover 🤓9:53 · hace 3 meses
I had IN_ERT and couldn't figure what the opposite to APPEAR might be, so I guessed that INVERT made more sense than INSERT or any other possibilities.
Another fun puzzle with a neat mechanism. I imagine this would be MUCH harder for those new to metas who have not learned to question EVERY title, especially one that has some "position" in it. I first tried to append ANTI or PRO to every word, but a 6 letter answer with 6 long two-word grid entries was just too much of a "hey, look over here!!!" I stalled a little trying to get a S word for APPEAR (can't be SEE, that is not opposite, can't be D, though IN DERT is where I often am, and then it hit me, if something is the opposite of appearing it is vanishing and INVERT is the perfect answer. Well done my friend, well done.