I was considering this when initially drafting the concept, but the intention is that the circle in the central square is substitutive for the O. I hope that the puzzle note as well as the cluing was readily demonstrative of this but I can try to make it more apparent if you think it's necessary!
elutionary 🤓56s · hace 10 meses
Personally, I was able to catch your drift eventually (although I must admit I had to look up 5D...) Fun solve, thank you!
A738840496 2:17 · hace 10 meses
No just me who didn’t get it! I def see what you meant now
Thank you! I thought that most of them read smoothly but I'm obviously informed by my own biases. Did any of them strike you as unfair or too difficult? I don't construct too often but when I do, I always want my puzzles to play as accessibly and fast as possible.