Another type of CHANGING ENDS clue is where you are given two words, and you have to find the first letter of the first word in the second word and then substitute it with the last letter of the first word, or vice versa. For example, in "Mate changes ends of court to create spice (4)", you need to find the last letter of COURT (T) in MATE and change it for the first letter of COURT (C), to get MACE, which is a kind of SPICE. In another example, "It's a riddle when Steve changes ends of taxi (5)", you need to find the first letter of TAXI (T) in STEVE and change it for the last letter of TAXI (I), to get SIEVE, also known as a RIDDLE. If you enjoy my crosswords, please do check out the Cryptic Mystic's YouTube channel - a brilliant resource for beginner and developing cryptic crossworders, which has been kind enough to feature one of my puzzles:
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