The solution to the meta is a musical that has won the Tony Award for Best Musical.
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KayW solved hace alrededor de 1 año
markhr solved hace alrededor de 1 año
hoover solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Hector solved hace alrededor de 1 año
BarbaraK solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Pair O Ducks solved hace alrededor de 1 año
benchen71 solved hace alrededor de 1 año
DIS solved hace alrededor de 1 año
kurtalert solved hace alrededor de 1 año
MatthewL solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Cindy Weatherman solved hace alrededor de 1 año
JWords solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Cindy Heisler solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Philip Chow solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Alex Sisti solved hace alrededor de 1 año
heidi solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Laura M solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Carolyn solved hace alrededor de 1 año
Alvibu67 solved hace 12 meses
DrTom solved hace 12 meses
Darth solved hace alrededor de 2 meses
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KayW 🤓10:39 · hace alrededor de 1 año
That was fun! Though I must say I hadn't heard of the solution. And only three of the theme entry musicals. But 6! gave me a toehold in - to the very first musical I saw. And I managed to google the rest. (but shouldn't the parentetical number on 18A be 8?) Thanks!
Good catch on 18A - thank you!
The solution is the current reigning best musical on Broadway, and it's closing in a couple months. It's maybe my favorite new musical in the past few years. Highly recommend it if you're in the area!
This was my in, too. Also never heard of the answer!
hoover 5s · hace alrededor de 1 año
For me, all of the themers were somewhere between "that sounds vaguely familiar" (A,B) and "yeah, I've definitely heard of that one" (O!). But I've never heard of the solution musical, probably because it's so new.
Hmmm. Solved it but only because the cryptic cluing and "messy" in the title pointed me to Kimberly coming from Like My Brain... and that's the most recent Tony winner. I suck at cryptics, though- I'm not sure I fully solved any of the clues. Looking forward to seeing what I missed!
MatthewL 🤓10:51 · hace alrededor de 1 año
Whew, finally got it. APPLAUSE threw me because it's 8 letters, not nine. Like others, OLIVER! was my way in. Thanks for the puzzle!
very well-constructed puzzle!! So close to getting it without googling… got all six anagrams and then submitted the six letter word not knowing if it was a musical or not… then I googled that six letter word and it led me to the answer… nice bonus anagrams with “claim us” and “like my br…” which I wouldn’t have noticed if Kurt didn’t comment on it… loved the Chaka Khan reference
Laura M 🤓10:54 · hace alrededor de 1 año
Very nice! And gettable even though I'm not great at anagrams :-)
Carolyn 3s · hace alrededor de 1 año
Google to the rescue! Lots of fun.
Alvibu67 2s · hace 12 meses
I love this!! Especially clever since a song in the show involves Kimberly’s friend anagramming Kimberly Levaco to CLEVERLY AKIMBO. Great puzzle!
Well the anagram was the give away, but I got there via the back door. What musicals sound messy or like someone's brain, there were two that popped up: A Strange Loop and Kimberly Akimbo. The fact that Like My Brain anagrams pretty readily to Kimberlyian (or to me, "like Kimberly") made Kimberly Akimbo an easy next step. I got all of the anagrams, with Bat Boy being the hardest (never heard of it). Anyway, nice job of hiding the words! I think I'll award you "Ten Dinky Banners!" (4,1,9)