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Jake’s Mini Cryptic #23

· Por Jake A · Publicado 2024-02-07T16:04:45.303Z

Constructor's Note
Ah, good old #23. The Michael Jordan of puzzles! Well, maybe not… Happy Solving!
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  • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-07T16:10:32.294Z
    Re 5A: I indicate the answer UVRAYS as comprising two words, i.e. (2,4). I can see an argument for labeling it as (1,1,4). I opted for the former, however, because UV is an abbreviation for a single word (ultraviolet).
    • merlinnimue 🤓2:51 · 2024-02-07T18:44:23.038Z
      I knew 7a was a hidden with the crossers .o.e.s... so I put in fo[ROPENS]ound... merlin fails again
      As for the puzzle, I'd say its a slam dunk... but I dont know where the a in 2d comes from... merlin fails yet again
      • rjy 8:00 · 2024-02-07T20:14:44.113Z
        I think "exit" means end of Chicago - thus AGO... Nice puzzle, Jake!
        • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-07T20:43:47.995Z
          That’s spot on. Thanks, rjy!
          • merlinnimue 🤓2:51 · 2024-02-07T21:14:10.548Z
            Of course... thanks for the explanation, I am much too dumb to be among you smarties sometimes (most of the time)
          • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-07T20:43:12.995Z
            Thanks, Tom! There are no fails. Only different paths to an answer. 😊
            • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-07T22:01:32.271Z
              Don’t know why I typed Tom, Merlin. 🤪
            • Oliver Hardy 🤓3:55 · 2024-02-07T21:26:43.041Z
              Very entertaining - many thanks!
              • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-08T03:06:22.398Z
                Thanks, Oliver!
              • nate 🤓5:49 · 2024-02-08T02:39:40.104Z
                Nice! I got myself stuck on 7A wondering how to fit in B for Bravo 🤦‍♂️
                • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-08T03:07:41.211Z
                  Thanks, Nate! It was a bit tricksey!
                • Anonym00se 🤓59s · 2024-02-08T05:12:36.040Z
                  Nice puzzle! Favorite clue IMO has got to be 4D.
                  • Jake A constructor · 2024-02-08T12:25:30.028Z
                    Thanks, Moose! 4D is one of my faves, too. I had fun putting that one together.
                  Roger interrupts g-string mob (6)
                  1. 1A
                    Roger interrupts g-string mob (6)
                  2. 5A
                    You leading virtual reality bizarrely say, “Sunbather’s radiation” (2,4)
                  3. 6A
                    Colombian conurbation company colorful cat (6)
                  4. 7A
                    Bravo, Welsh vessel for open sound letters (6)
                  1. 2D
                    Try Haverford entrance, Chicago exit (4,1,2)
                  2. 3D
                    Impressive way to stop aggravated demon AI (2,1,4)
                  3. 4D
                    For starters, Google all search engine optimization user sites existing in a cloud state (7)