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Just the Right Size

· Por zonkswonk · Publicado 2022-09-15T19:53:23.815Z

Meta Prompt
This is the same as those puzzles where you pick one word from each grid to make the meta clue, except all the grids are super small. Have fun! Don't forget about the rebus feature. Hint: every square has two letters.
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Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Account solved 2022-09-15T20:19:22.657Z
  • sledge solved 2022-09-16T12:19:51.114Z
  • sghiaa solved 2022-09-16T14:11:33.656Z
  • andeux solved 2022-09-18T16:49:09.989Z
  • kurtalert solved 2022-09-19T16:07:11.464Z
  • Phil The solved 2022-09-26T10:04:13.538Z


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  • Mike D 🤓1:49 · 2022-09-15T23:30:49.121Z
    • dplass 31s · 2022-09-16T12:19:32.649Z
      Sorry I don't get it. How is mama formed?
      • zonkswonk constructor · 2022-09-16T15:07:25.272Z
        BEAR WITH COLD MEAL is the intended solution
        • Sommersmith 🤓2:10 · 2022-09-16T16:55:03.690Z
          Oh man, that was the only clue phrase I could come up with, but I could only think of a polar bear 🐻❄
          • dplass 31s · 2022-09-16T23:07:20.876Z
            Sorry, I don't understand. I mashed "I give up" and it says "The solution is: Mama"
            • kurtalert 🤓2:50 · 2022-09-19T16:13:12.757Z
              It's a reference to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears - the 3 bears are PAPA, MAMA, and BABY. I'm not 100% sure if you're supposed to be able to derive MAMA from the grid- but there are no Ps or Ys in the grid, which should eliminate PAPA and BABY.
              But, in the story, the middle-sized chair and the middle-sized bowl/spoon and the cold porridge belong to Mama Bear. Papa Bear's porridge was too hot, Baby Bear's porridge was just right.
              • zonkswonk constructor · 2022-09-19T17:43:21.572Z
                No, there's no intended derivation except from knowing the Goldilocks story and then remembering which bear had the cold porridge (which I admit I had to look up first). Enough people got it right that I don't feel bad about the difficulty, but it was definitely harder than I wanted it to be.
                • dplass 31s · 2022-09-19T17:42:19.541Z
                  Whoosh, right over me head.
                  • Phil The 9:12 · 2022-09-26T10:06:26.140Z
                    You might want to allow 'mummy' as alt solution for us Brits
          Like some causes or souls
          1. 1A
            Like some causes or souls
          2. 3A
            See 5A
          3. 5A
            "___ 3A me!!" ("Just wait a sec")
          4. 6A
            "No small" accomplishment
          5. 7A
            School dance often paired with a football game, for short
          6. 9A
            Totally uncool
          7. 11A
          8. 12A
            What a keeper keeps
          1. 1D
            Stud spot
          2. 2D
            20% of a great review, perhaps
          3. 3D
            "I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my ___ to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped!" ("Princess Bride" quote)
          4. 4D
            Not this
          5. 7D
            Catcher's post
          6. 8D
            Like shoulders or feet, on occasion
          7. 9D
            Lake, in Leon
          8. 10D
            It's occasionally home-cooked