
Body Count

· Por DrTom · Publicado 2023-05-17T12:00:44.691Z

Meta Prompt
The answer is an apt 7 letter word
Friday Nudge Day!
Nudge 1 Look through the grid. Do any answers seems to connect to the title?
Nudge 2 For those things you saw, how do they relate to the title? (and NO this is not a restatement of Nudge 1)
Nudge 3 Those 7 things you found should, if I have done my job right, lead you to 7 letters. How might they do that?
OK, no activity for two days so I am going to call this one early and post the reveal. Obviously you do not have to look at it f you are still trying to solve.
As suggested by the title, determine the count of the body part in the body:
EARS = 2
TEETH = 32
RIBS = 24
Those numbers refer to a square:
2 = A
20 = N
2 = A
32 = T
1 = O
4 = M
24 = Y
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…

Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • woozy solved 2023-05-17T06:22:40.488Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-05-17T10:52:19.845Z
  • Hector solved 2023-05-17T12:30:26.886Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-05-17T12:41:54.788Z
  • Schmeel solved 2023-05-17T12:45:53.203Z
  • hoover solved 2023-05-17T12:48:20.246Z
  • edestlin solved 2023-05-17T13:02:10.499Z
  • boharr solved 2023-05-17T13:08:59.017Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-05-17T13:14:14.987Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-05-17T13:20:41.549Z
  • Meg solved 2023-05-17T13:28:22.084Z
  • rjy solved 2023-05-17T13:41:48.361Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-05-17T13:42:27.018Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-05-17T13:43:55.388Z
  • Darth solved 2023-05-17T16:29:36.233Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-05-17T16:55:30.174Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-05-17T17:04:55.426Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-05-17T17:53:52.845Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-05-17T18:02:09.303Z
  • Gutman solved 2023-05-17T18:18:18.369Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-05-17T20:22:31.627Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-05-17T20:37:33.194Z
  • Bbaack solved 2023-05-17T20:48:13.913Z
  • markhr solved 2023-05-17T21:38:09.713Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2023-05-17T22:56:28.244Z
  • KayW solved 2023-05-17T23:26:05.128Z
  • DIS solved 2023-05-17T23:36:32.648Z
  • Berto solved 2023-05-18T00:01:01.444Z
  • SJMcK solved 2023-05-18T01:06:14.977Z
  • JM solved 2023-05-18T01:36:46.678Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-05-18T02:02:42.376Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-05-18T06:25:02.445Z
  • rayyandroid solved 2023-05-18T17:27:14.817Z
  • ajk solved 2023-05-18T17:41:13.803Z
  • Jimbo solved 2023-05-18T21:42:22.389Z
  • andeux solved 2023-05-19T02:01:16.675Z
  • ReB solved 2023-05-19T19:37:24.654Z
  • imontoo solved 2023-05-19T19:54:35.132Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2023-05-19T20:48:44.449Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2023-05-19T21:35:25.171Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2023-05-19T23:54:51.482Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-05-20T00:42:12.095Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2023-05-20T04:06:15.584Z
  • Qmark solved 2023-05-20T04:44:23.044Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-05-20T13:57:44.576Z
  • SJ solved 2023-05-22T19:21:07.122Z
  • Tane solved 2023-05-22T22:08:50.706Z
  • Mikey G solved 2023-05-23T05:52:25.028Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2023-05-25T14:55:03.221Z
  • dooiemus solved 2023-05-27T09:28:45.650Z
  • sledge solved 2023-06-02T14:00:58.162Z


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  • I K Snamhcok 🤓11:38 · 2023-05-17T12:45:23.813Z
    Nice! Though I must admit, I didn’t know how many ribs. I had to surmise. I’d have to say that, in my lifelong abilities and interests, I’m about as far from a doctor as a person can be. It never came up as even a possibility to consider. I much admire you and your peers, Dr. T!
    • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T13:20:25.829Z
      Well here is some trivia for you, or rather OWT explosion. Men do NOT have one less rib than women. I mean even though I am sure Adam gave Eve a ribbing about the fruit thing, he did not give her a rib. No doubt that comes from their conversation at the apple tree; "Eve, I have a bone to pick with you..." This also explodes the old saying about doctors and apples, the apple "Dad joke" didn't dissuade me at all.😁
    • Hector 🤓9:11 · 2023-05-17T12:47:47.581Z
      Thank you, Doc! I asked Chat GPT to help us:
      What would make a good cryptic crossword clue for the entry ANATOMY?
      ChatGPT: "Medical study in many a tot, oddly (7)"
      Though I might prefer, "In any setting, a shameless punster is first-class, medically (7)'
      • Hector 🤓9:11 · 2023-05-17T12:52:06.115Z
        The GPT clue is perfectly good, because "oddly" can mean "scrambled." But "oddly" can also mean taking every odd letter, so it's a little tricky. Amusingly, GPT was tricked by its own clue when I asked it to explain how the clue works: This is a cryptic crossword clue, which works differently from a regular crossword clue. The solution, "ANATOMY", is indicated in a cryptic way.
        "Medical study" is the definition part of the clue, and it refers to ANATOMY.
        "In many a tot, oddly" is the wordplay part of the clue. In cryptic crosswords, the wordplay provides an alternative route to the solution (here, ANATOMY).
        In this case, we're taking the odd letters of the phrase "many a tot" - i.e., the first, third, fifth, and seventh letters (M, N, A, T) and combining them with "in", giving us ANATOMY.
        So, the clue could be read as, "The medical study that you get if you take the odd letters of 'many a tot' and put 'in' within it."
        This is a standard sort of cryptic clue, combining a straight definition ("Medical study") with a form of wordplay (taking odd letters).
        • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T13:15:08.023Z
          Ergo, why I do not do cryptics.
          • BarbaraK 2s · 2023-05-17T15:48:18.408Z
            But…. if you have MNAT you need to add AOY to get anatomy, not “in”.
            I’m not good enough with cryptics to know if this is just the usual AI nonsense or if I’m missing something
            • Hector 🤓9:11 · 2023-05-17T23:05:06.822Z
              Yes, this is a great example of how GPT can be really good and yet bizarrely bad.
          • hoover 4s · 2023-05-17T12:52:23.283Z
            Nice one! D'oh! I started down the correct road last night / early this morning, but I neglected to include toes in my count and couldn't think clearly where ARAT... might be going.
            • rjy 2s · 2023-05-17T13:44:14.873Z
              Same, along with neglecting half my ribs… ARATOMS??
              • BarbaraK 2s · 2023-05-17T15:43:56.367Z
                Hopefully not in Dr Tom’s house to eat his ice cream. Oh wait, that’s math, not biology
              • boharr 2s · 2023-05-17T13:11:09.005Z
                Nice one. Thanks Dr. Tom.
                • Bird Lives 4s · 2023-05-17T13:17:51.510Z
                  How about "Grey area of medical study"? (I didn't ask ChatGPT.)
                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T17:01:47.534Z
                    Oh, that's GOOD! I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up in a puzzle some day.
                  • Meg 3s · 2023-05-17T13:35:22.294Z
                    So, the first thing I did was add them all up, which gave me 85. What do humans have 85 of? According to Google we have 85% of the same protein-coding genes as a mouse. Who knew? I was a bit dismayed that you didn’t put me in the clue for St. Pete. Lord knows if the grid entry were Utica,…….. But I digress. Thanks for the puzzle fun!
                    • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T17:05:42.057Z
                      Actually I believe I have clued UTICA without a Sisti reference, though only once. If I keep using Muggle specific references I get flak from the Crosshare population who are not Muggles.
                    • MatthewL 🤓8:43 · 2023-05-17T17:08:15.415Z
                      Thought this was really clever. Took me a minute, but then saw where this was going. As usual, enjoyed the cluing, which always gives me a chuckle, especially, 47A. Thanks Tom!
                      • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T19:07:50.466Z
                        Of course, anybody can do Ben ___; Epic Movie...we need levity! Thanks for solving
                      • Carolyn 4s · 2023-05-17T17:56:34.485Z
                        Very enjoyable! That was my first guess and it was nice to work it out. Anatomy was one of my favorite classes.
                        • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T19:10:15.486Z
                          So you muscled through eh? Not everyone has the backbone for that. I'm keeping all of these responses in a trunk.
                          • Carolyn 4s · 2023-05-17T23:34:02.135Z
                            Ha ha
                        • kurtalert 11:09 · 2023-05-17T18:04:57.472Z
                          Hah... awesome! I ended up with ARATOAY first because I'm an idiot and forgot that toes are also digits, and legs are also limbs. But that was close enough for me to quickly backsolve to ANATOMY. Great puzzle, thanks Dr. Tom!
                          • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T19:11:12.928Z
                            and thank God they are, it allowed me to count to twenty!
                          • Laura M 🤓10:39 · 2023-05-17T20:39:35.971Z
                            Enjoyed it!
                            • Bbaack 17:23 · 2023-05-17T20:57:53.312Z
                              This one was right on the nose for me. I knew if the good doctor did the construction that it would be anatomically correct! Thanks for the fun!
                              • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-17T22:17:35.706Z
                                Yes but I had to keep my eye on it, actually both eyes, all the time. More than once a word got changed in trying to tighten up the grid that would have altered the ANATOMY. That is always a problem when you have a puzzle that relies on blocks of a certain number to give the answer. Glad you enjoyed it.
                              • KayW 🤓7:41 · 2023-05-17T23:43:59.563Z
                                I had to google the rib and teeth counts, but I've got no bones to pick over this fine meta. Loved the cluing, too. Particularly 12D. Thanks, doc!
                                • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-18T02:12:36.210Z
                                  I do love it when something you see in a crossword so often (SSN) gives you a chance to be creative. Interestingly enough, 12D was prompted by an unusually clumsy pfishing attempt. Essentially it was one of those "You win beeg prize, you send SSN and Bank account to this link so money can go your bank". I mean these should end "we hope you so stupid as us an mak mestake to sned youre infor so we can steel youre cache! Do right away or we giv money someone else!"
                                • DIS 🤓13:01 · 2023-05-17T23:40:08.232Z
                                  An impressive addition to your body of work. Thanks!
                                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-18T02:14:03.730Z
                                    and to think; it started with a skeleton of an idea....
                                    Thanks for solving
                                  • Darrell 🤓10:37 · 2023-05-18T02:04:36.283Z
                                    I initially had ANOATOMY, counting "ass" from NASSERS. We have but one ass, hence, the extra O.
                                    • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-18T04:16:02.186Z
                                      I guess that would be, "well I almost had it butt...."
                                    • Dow Jones 4s · 2023-05-18T06:36:45.164Z
                                      Excellent meta, Dr Tom. Can you explain the clue 33A Some linemen: Abbr. = RTB (Right tackle b??????)
                                      • DrTom constructor · 2023-05-18T11:32:34.212Z
                                        YES Right Backs, probably the weakest in the puzzle, but you get to a spot where that is the only thing that really fits well without a major rewrite and a puzzle that needs to be put up and you abandon all etiquette. I had the choice of Real Time Bidding, Row The Boat (A phrase Big 10 fans would recognize because RTB was the mantra of PJ Fleck, Coach of the Minnesota Gophers), or Return to Base (a military acronym). I apologize for the clunky fill.
                                    • ReB 3s · 2023-05-19T19:49:10.370Z
                                      Needed some nudging - and to stop trying to use the WSJ grid to find the letters (IBIAPSV didn't work very well). A bit of meta fatigue this week, I suspect.
                                      Despite the rush, I found that the meta did come together well with enjoyable twists in the cluing.
                                      • imontoo 5s · 2023-05-19T19:55:13.405Z
                                        Just getting to do this one. Got it w/o nudges. Clever!
                                        • Sharkicicles 1s · 2023-05-19T21:36:38.515Z
                                          Shouldn’t have needed the nudges… but I did. Great puzzle!
                                          • Ergcat 17:48 · 2023-05-20T00:43:07.798Z
                                            Had right idea earlier but applied it wrong. I used the letter count instead of the body count …. Duh! Good one! Thank you!
                                            • Qmark 9s · 2023-05-20T04:48:14.752Z
                                              Enjoyed it...thanks Dr Tom!
                                              One of a "Honey Bunches" of
                                              1. 1A
                                                One of a "Honey Bunches" of
                                              2. 4A
                                                Co.'s with a plant
                                              3. 8A
                                                Field covers
                                              4. 13A
                                                Lovelace or Gaffney
                                              5. 14A
                                                Potato features
                                              6. 15A
                                                Ones and zeros
                                              7. 16A
                                                Darlene's TV mom
                                              8. 18A
                                                Go back in business
                                              9. 19A
                                                Moldy cheese
                                              10. 20A
                                                Family of an ex-Egyptian president
                                              11. 21A
                                                Actress Kunis
                                              12. 24A
                                                Big ox of the Himalayas
                                              13. 25A
                                                Something that you do not wish to find in ointment apparently
                                              14. 26A
                                                Shakespeare play featuring Ariel
                                              15. 33A
                                                Some linemen: Abbr.
                                              16. 34A
                                                Big possession of little pitchers
                                              17. 35A
                                                Crested three times daily by some
                                              18. 36A
                                                Literature, music, etc.
                                              19. 38A
                                                Antique photo
                                              20. 40A
                                                Love emoji
                                              21. 41A
                                                Boardroom V.I.P.'s
                                              22. 42A
                                                Brit. lexicon
                                              23. 43A
                                                Sheldon's Meemaw on "Young Sheldon" actress
                                              24. 46A
                                                "___ ___ put it another way"
                                              25. 47A
                                                "Is that Him, Ben in the chariot? No it's ___"
                                              26. 48A
                                                Staple of borscht
                                              27. 49A
                                                Launches may originate from one
                                              28. 54A
                                                "I, Claudius" role
                                              29. 57A
                                                Where Cher goes almost every year
                                              30. 58A
                                                Woodcutter who pulled strings for his son
                                              31. 62A
                                                "Swan Lake" princess
                                              32. 63A
                                                Out of business
                                              33. 64A
                                                Some professionals pass it, some linger in it
                                              34. 65A
                                                Places to secure tire swings in a tree
                                              35. 66A
                                              36. 67A
                                                Take a dirt nap
                                              1. 1D
                                                Propel, in a way
                                              2. 2D
                                                "Much ___ About Nothing"
                                              3. 3D
                                                Brits' thank-yous
                                              4. 4D
                                                Breakfast, lunch or dinner
                                              5. 5D
                                                Longest of Scotland's sea lochs
                                              6. 6D
                                                Big name in contact lens care
                                              7. 7D
                                                180° from NNW
                                              8. 8D
                                                Gets even with
                                              9. 9D
                                                Times gone by
                                              10. 10D
                                                Waiting to be picked
                                              11. 11D
                                                Prefix meaning "wing" or "feather"
                                              12. 12D
                                                Phish food?: Abbr.
                                              13. 15D
                                                Daffy's daddy
                                              14. 17D
                                                Auctioneerless auction site
                                              15. 20D
                                                ___ King Cole
                                              16. 21D
                                                First lady before Abigail
                                              17. 22D
                                                Conditional kind of statement
                                              18. 23D
                                                Eddie Bauer competitor
                                              19. 24D
                                                Cry of success
                                              20. 26D
                                                Sylvester, to Tweety
                                              21. 27D
                                              22. 28D
                                                Elevations on relief maps: Abbr.
                                              23. 29D
                                                Ginger cat, for example
                                              24. 30D
                                                "It's not much of a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it" speaker
                                              25. 31D
                                                Tampa neighbor, for short
                                              26. 32D
                                                What punctual people like to arrive on
                                              27. 34D
                                                Mononymic Art Deco designer
                                              28. 37D
                                                Jackie's #2
                                              29. 38D
                                                Palindromic holiday in Hanoi
                                              30. 39D
                                                Director of operations at Apple
                                              31. 41D
                                                Bull's-eye: Abbr.
                                              32. 44D
                                                Headlight on a Peugeot
                                              33. 45D
                                                Belonging to us
                                              34. 46D
                                                Double-reeded woodwind
                                              35. 49D
                                                Good thing to have, but not to be called, on a construction site
                                              36. 50D
                                                Followers of "The King"
                                              37. 51D
                                              38. 52D
                                                Hoda of the Today Show
                                              39. 53D
                                                Close friend of "Ifs" and "ands"
                                              40. 54D
                                                Classic American grape soda
                                              41. 55D
                                                Digital book file extension
                                              42. 56D
                                                Homework assignments from a book: Abbr.
                                              43. 58D
                                                Telltale sign for a crime lab: Abbr.
                                              44. 59D
                                                Not yet decided, briefly
                                              45. 60D
                                                Word that interestingly comes before before chi but after mai
                                              46. 61D
                                                Bauxite, e.g.