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Double Plus Number #2: High on Motown

· Por SamuRai · Publicado 2024-07-03T03:53:16.706Z

Constructor's Note
Each cell is a single digit 0 to 9 and all answers to clues are three digit numbers between 100 and 999 (I.e. no leading zeros). The bottom and rightmost rows are Wordle answers. After completing the crossword, use the shaded numbers to solve it. To solve the bottom row, read the clues horizontally. To solve the rightmost row, read the clues vertically. Note that the 2 Pluswords are independent of each other, they only need to satisfy the Wordle grids read in their respective directions. 🔴=digit not present, 🟡=digit present but in wrong place, 🟢=digit in correct place. Digits may be repeated and the solution is almost unique within the Wordle rules and numbers from 100 to 999.
侍 SamuRai
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  • SylveonSoulmate 🤓3:41 · 2024-07-03T06:29:59.468Z
    Neat! By the way, 2-down is missing a wordle clue, although in this puzzle it should be able to be inferred from the across clues.
    • SamuRai constructor · 2024-07-03T11:07:50.458Z
      Thanks. Fixed it.
    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓1:25 · 2024-07-03T15:15:54.217Z
      Challenging and fun! Tiny typo in 1D ("that" for "than").
      • The Noah 🤓2:49 · 2024-07-03T16:27:36.036Z
        Very fun! Love the use of clues!
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-07-04T02:17:07.712Z
          I think I may do that more often as a way to self select difficulty level, especially when it comes to esoteric math properties of a number that only I’m likely to find interesting enough to work out.
        🟡🔴🟡 3*((3^3)*(3*3+3-3^(3-3))+(3*3+3^(3-3))) since all numbers can be generated using only 3! Alternately the digit of three squared, the digit just less than 3, and the digit of three divided by itself.
        1. 1A
          🟡🔴🟡 3*((3^3)*(3*3+3-3^(3-3))+(3*3+3^(3-3))) since all numbers can be generated using only 3! Alternately the digit of three squared, the digit just less than 3, and the digit of three divided by itself.
        2. 5A
          🔴🟡🔴 Digits declining by twos. Starting with the only digit divisible by two different prime digits.
        3. 6A
          🔴🟡🔴 The smallest non-single digit prime number that is a palindrome in both binary and decimal. Motown’s area code
        4. 7A
          🟢🟢🟢 The smallest number written as the sum of three squares in five ways!
        1. 1D
          🟡🔴🔴 Equal to the sum of all the primes less that one-tenth of itself. Sum of the first 24 primes. 2+3+…+83+89
        2. 2D
          🔴🟡🟡 The next digit in the number is given by 7-1.5d where d is the current digit (i.e. if the 100s digit were 0 the 10s digit would be 7-1.50=7. This would make the 1s digit -3.5 though which doesn’t work.) Start with the only even prime number.
        3. 3D
          🟡🔴🔴 “ABC, Easy as ___” Jackson 5 lyrics (Smallest 3-digit number with increasing digits)
        4. 4D
          🟢🟢🟢 Number associated with the Nigerian prince scam due to the section of Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud.