para guardar tu progreso/estadísticas de crucigramas
Este es un crucigrama meta o de concurso. Para presentar tu respuesta, primero termina de resolver la cuadrícula (o revélala si te trabas o si la resolviste sin conexión).
Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)
damefox solved hace 12 meses
andeux solved hace 12 meses
Philip Chow solved hace 12 meses
Toast solved hace 12 meses
drewdez solved hace 12 meses
Jimmy James solved hace 12 meses
oldjudge solved hace 12 meses
Meg solved hace 12 meses
hashbrown solved hace 12 meses
I K Snamhcok solved hace 12 meses
Berto solved hace 12 meses
boharr solved hace 12 meses
Pair O Ducks solved hace 12 meses
Cindy Heisler solved hace 12 meses
AaronT solved hace 12 meses
BrennerTJ solved hace 12 meses
lbray53 solved hace 12 meses
Schmeel solved hace 12 meses
heidi solved hace 12 meses
KayW solved hace 12 meses
Golem solved hace 12 meses
Jeremy Smith solved hace 12 meses
JM solved hace 12 meses
benchen71 solved hace 12 meses
whimsy solved hace 12 meses
CPJohnson solved hace 12 meses
Burakodrama solved hace 12 meses
THC solved hace 12 meses
spotter solved hace 12 meses
BarbaraK solved hace 12 meses
FrankieHeck solved hace 12 meses
ajk solved hace 12 meses
RPardoe solved hace 12 meses
Byron solved hace 12 meses
edestlin solved hace 12 meses
rjy solved hace 12 meses
Mwoychick solved hace 12 meses
rickybillingsgate solved hace 12 meses
Chaddog solved hace 12 meses
Qmark solved hace 12 meses
Louis D solved hace 12 meses
Matt A solved hace 12 meses
coffeeandcrosswords solved hace 12 meses
Holly Lough solved hace 12 meses
RC solved hace 12 meses
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Crazy, Will. I didn’t actually get very far. Jay helped a lot.
I K Snamhcok 4s · hace 12 meses
Fabulous! Seriously, Will, how did you ever come up with this? I hope you’ll continue to occasionally delight us with puzzles.
Berto 1s · hace 12 meses
Wow! A whole spiral staircase full of steps to the meta! Took a lot of persistence- but great fun!!
boharr 4s · hace 12 meses
I don’t understand but thanks. The write up should be a treat.
Meg 2s · hace 12 meses
I just realized that your last puzzle will be #100. An elegant end of this stage. I expect you to be back with more creative constructions.
KayW 12:01 · hace 12 meses
Whew!!! What a workout. I actually found the first half-step fairly easily because of BASE PAIRS and all those ACTGs in the theme entries. Was so excited but frustrated to find the six paired entries and then hit a brick wall. Didn't see the final step until I took a fresh look at it today. Incredibly clever meta and much fun to solve. Thanks Will! And so bittersweet to have you back but to know that there's only one more Pandora after this.
whimsy 17:27 · hace 12 meses
Confession -- I guessed (based on the DNA discovery history) and was correct. I know there's something going on with the A/T and C/G; I tried various ways of "getting them in line" but nothing provided much. Now that I'm sure of the letters I'm looking for, perhaps I can backsolve and find some twisty helix way of positioning the six themers.
Burakodrama 3s · hace 12 meses
Holy f-----g s--t this was a brilliant meta. I'm in awe. This is as good as it gets when it comes to executing a concept. Wow.
I'll miss your puzzles Will :/
THC 🤓3:14 · hace 12 meses
Thanks, Will!
Byron 🤓21:33 · hace 12 meses
Too clever by half! I got an assist.
rjy 3s · hace 12 meses
Collaborated on the solve with edestlin, but cashed in a Phone-a-Friend to get a helpful nudge or two. Brilliant idea and execution, Will!