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Meta #1: Answer

· Por JeffPrug · Publicado 2021-03-29T18:38:48.636Z

Constructor's Note
This is not a standalone puzzle! his is not a standalone puzzle! If you already did my Meta #1, click Begin Puzzle in order to check your meta answer. If not, do the Meta #1 here (then come back):
Check your meta answer to my Meta #1 here. IMPORTANT: to disguise the length of the answer, I (potentially) added extra spaces after the meta answer. You must put trailing Q's at the end. Ex: If you think the meta answer is DOG , enter DOGQQQQQQQQQ . Or if you think the answer is STEALTHILY, enter STEALTHILYQQ .
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  • Mike D 🤓10s · 2021-03-29T19:18:04.834Z
    Nice! I like how you managed to create this meta submission mechanism - very clever!
    I am about halfway through adding better support for metas to Crosshare itself - soon you'll be able to specify a meta sol'n and get submissions directly on a single puzzle 😊
    • JeffPrug constructor · 2021-03-29T21:06:23.818Z
      Awesome, looking forward to that!
    • JeffPrug constructor · 2021-03-31T00:31:10.181Z
      Explanation of meta answer: the Rebus squares WHY EQUALS EM EX PLUS BEE sound out the equation y = mx + b which represents a linear function. Linear functions have graphs that are straight lines, which is also hinted at in the title "Give It To Me Straight"
      • Pandora's Blocks Weekly Meta Crossword 🤓4s · 2021-03-31T22:50:42.707Z
        Such a clever way to let people check their answer! And a fun meta too!!
        • C64 🤓8s · 2021-04-09T05:28:57.014Z
          I saw the trick pretty quickly because Zoom's auto-transcription makes some of these exact errors during my day job. :)
          • Philip Chow 24s · 2021-04-10T02:59:38.458Z
            I tried LINE first... then i tried STRAIGHTLINE... then i gave up whoops 😅... very clever trick for checking a meta!
            Enter your answer to Meta #1: Give It To Me Straight here. Put Q's at the end of your answer for any blank spaces
            1. 1A
              Enter your answer to Meta #1: Give It To Me Straight here. Put Q's at the end of your answer for any blank spaces