I got cat up on this idea and it turned out purrtty fun! Thanks for trying it out and I love you! Critiques always welcome.
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Sendhil Revuluri 🤓6:08 · 2023-10-04T14:16:57.343Z
While I am not a "cat person" I enjoyed the theme — both the long entries and the bonus and the flavor clues! In addition, I thought 62A was nicely clued (I’ve always wondered about their product range).
I don't know about the "incomplete word" clues. 46D and 53D were forced while still being clever, but 28D and 29A were over the line for me. (To be fair, I don’t know any ways to clue EDA that aren’t initialisms, but some of those could be interesting.)
You make a great point. I was a bit conflicted on the "finish the word" clues. They were definitely forced, along with eda and atrice. I guess atrice means something, but it didn't make sense to me, and would never be anything I would say, so I went rogue! Haha thank you for the I put, I keep it in mind as I build more! Much appreciated.
Raven 19:20 · 2023-10-05T05:13:10.814Z
As a cat lover, I found this cute. A few bits were forced but not too horribly. Works as a puzzle just fine.