Wait a second . . . he's still alive? Did those people at CERN rip open a hole in the space time continuum with the large hadron collider? At any rate, hopefully this puzzle helps jog your memory -- one way or another. The meta answer is the namesake of the psychological phenomenon on display.
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Philip Chow solved 2023-08-28T15:09:02.413Z
LasersharpAurora solved 2023-08-28T15:25:04.011Z
Gizmo solved 2023-08-29T00:57:22.872Z
tuber solved 2023-08-29T15:34:43.286Z
Lorenzo D'Alessio solved 2023-09-01T05:01:50.409Z
Shivangi solved 2023-09-04T06:34:09.164Z
kurtalert solved 2023-09-13T19:03:43.243Z
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Sendhil Revuluri 🤓4:35 · 2023-09-03T07:18:29.551Z
Nice! (Not to be confused — as I did — with the Streisand Effect!)