Hello solvers, and thanks once again for trying my puzzles. I think these clues are pretty straightforward, but I'd love to know how you got on - I know my style of cryptic can be tricky to get to grips with. While you're here, feel free to follow https://crosshare.org/tuber for more like this. Here comes the wash-up for the perplexed:
ACROSS. 1A. "Small" = S + "prickly fruit" = PEAR.5A. Containment of "also" = AND in "father" = PA.6A. Hidden in deRELICt.7A. Central letter of "putin" = T + anag. HURT.
DOWN. 1D. Containment of "pence" = P in "kind" = SORT.2D. Containment (again, sorry) of "copy" = APE inside "advertising dept" = PR.3D. Double def.4D. "Managed" = RAN + "church" = CH.
El Gordo 42 🤓2:01 · hace más de 1 año
Nice and straightforward clues. In a variation of @CrackingTheCryptic lingo, it's a GAP (Genuinely Approachable Puzzle).