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Sneaky Six #17: Depends, perhaps shitty ad rep sneaks one in

· Por Aaron Riccio · Publicado 2024-04-22T05:32:43.794Z

Constructor's Note
For the first letters, try solving the title clue! Thanks to StJtB for the test solve and Christian Erfurt on Unsplash for the cover pic!
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  • JWords 🤓7:21 · 2024-04-22T06:23:45.375Z
    Great puzzle, thanks! 5A was a great a-ha moment, and 1D is a new word to me.
    • nate 🤓4:28 · 2024-04-22T05:49:16.837Z
      Great one, the title clue was very helpful! Only one I didn't fully get was 3D, could you provide a parse?
      • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-04-22T10:34:06.084Z
        Thanks! So the difference between scARe and scENe is that AR is EN. (Or at least, that's the intent!)
        • nate 🤓4:28 · 2024-04-22T19:13:45.189Z
          Ahh that’s clever, thanks!
          • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-04-22T20:01:27.295Z
            It's a fun rebus-y mechanism. I think Kosman and Picciotto of Out of Left Field did the first version of a clue like that that I saw. If you like new, fun wordplay, they're worth a subscription.
      • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-04-22T05:38:21.787Z
        1D DAIM*+YO
        2D INF{a->E}CT
        3D AR IS EN
        4A PA(WNE*)R
        5A EMCEES "M C's"
        6A backwateR OTTENburg
        Title D(I)APER*
        • Mad Dog 🤓5:44 · 2024-04-22T13:36:20.741Z
          Favorites: 1D, 2D, 4A, 6A and especially 5A. The title clue really got things started. That leaves 3D — I am conflicted. Never would I have solved this without spotting the definition and having the crosses. But I love the willingness to look for new methods of writing a clue. Overall, a very enjoyable solve.
          Naughty maid with casual greeting for feudal lord (6)
          1. 4A
            Trader's standard includes new bananas (6)
          2. 5A
            Announced 1,300 hosts? (6)
          3. 6A
            What something might be in the state of Denmark or in backwater Ottenburg (6)
          1. 1D
            Naughty maid with casual greeting for feudal lord (6)
          2. 2D
            Spoil in fact when first bite of anchovy becomes inedible in the end (6)
          3. 3D
            Stirred as a result of adapting scare to scene? (6)