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Sneaky Six #5: Baby's Supporter Interrupts Independent: "No Trump!"

· Por Aaron Riccio · Publicado 2024-01-28T03:51:54.897Z

Constructor's Note
Thanks to juff and skaldskaparmal for the test solves! Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash
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  • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-01-28T03:53:32.178Z
    1D: I+NDOOR*
    2D: {c->N}URSES
    3D: FLA<+ASHY
    4A: [-m]AN+NUAL*
    5A: SES[-s]ION<
    6A: TRUS[-s]+TY
    • kieranjboyd 2:40 · 2024-01-28T06:16:13.246Z
      Lovely surfaces across the board. I caved when I got tripped up by the false wordplay "Sounds" in the clue for NOISES
      • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-01-28T16:18:44.348Z
        Yeah, I've found that the most obvious cryptic indicators can be very devilish when they're actually definitions. Sadly, I don't think I can get away with it more than once a puzzle without it being too obvious again.
      • JWords 🤓3:40 · 2024-01-28T09:16:29.045Z
        Many thanks, excellent surfaces. I particularly liked 1D and 4A. 5A was the last to go, really thought I was facing some kind of horrible homophone subtraction until I saw ‘session’!
        • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-01-28T16:19:52.831Z
          I appreciate you solving it! If it helps, I am terrible at writing homophones and double definition, so if it looks like one of those it probably isn't (until it is, of course).
        • merlinnimue 🤓9:35 · 2024-01-28T16:24:08.532Z
          I dont get the def of 4a and I didn't get the parse of 5a, I just wof'd... I clearly need something thats more at the level of the title, sorry for my shameful time and devaluing the wonderful work of you geniuses
          • Aaron Riccio constructor · 2024-01-28T18:03:15.152Z
            With 4A, I grew up reading a lot of comic books, and the longer/bigger version of a comic is still known as an "annual." As for 5A, the intent was "Sounds" (definition) "as if" (linking phrase") "meeting" (synonym: SESSION) "lacks a focal point" (indicator to delete middle letter) "is going the wrong way" (indicator to reverse the word). Obviously a lot going on there, and I definitely could've made that easier. I think the original version, which I think made less surface sense, might've been easier: "Sounds heartless, meeting going the wrong way (6)."
          One donor goes mad, restricted to the confines of one's home perhaps (6)
          1. 4A
            Comic going bigger than usual: guy is taking off top and breaking ulna (6)
          2. 5A
            Sounds as if meeting that lacks a focal point is going the wrong way (6)
          3. 6A
            Reliable in bind, mostly: I appreciate it (6)
          1. 1D
            One donor goes mad, restricted to the confines of one's home perhaps (6)
          2. 2D
            Swears after replacing container's lid with last bit of Saran (they may be wet) (6)
          3. 3D
            Attention-grabbing sitcom about an alien comes up short (6)