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A Little Variety: Wiggle Room

· Por JWords · Publicado 2024-02-03T17:06:35.450Z

Constructor's Note
Each clue in this puzzle needs one small adjustment before it can be solved; the across clues 1A, while the down clues are feeling a little too 6D!
This is my second variety cryptic, it's a simple device that I expect has been done before but was good fun to put together (and hopefully to solve!). Shouldn't be too tricky, I hope.
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  • Hector 26:39 · 2024-02-03T18:01:31.085Z
    It might have been wise to look at the instructions :-). Cool puzzle, thank you!
    • JWords constructor · 2024-02-03T18:34:43.219Z
      It does tend to help! Thanks for solving, glad you enjoyed.
    • dooiemus 🤓2:21 · 2024-02-07T16:18:08.869Z
      Great idea!
      • JWords constructor · 2024-02-07T17:42:32.889Z
        Thank you! Thanks for solving
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓1:54 · 2024-02-08T06:19:43.285Z
        I liked the concept; new to me. That said, I think the adjustments should still make sentences, so a few like 15A and 20A seemed off, while 8A and 12A were hits. I think 13D might also be defining GYM RATS instead of what you have there, so be cautious not to make a tricky puzzle unfair. That said, I had fun throughout, so a job well done on your part!
        • JWords constructor · 2024-02-08T08:40:11.179Z
          Thanks for the comment. Fair point on making real sentences — my focus was mostly on finding an interesting set of different devices the adjustments can form so that each clue felt like a fun new idea, but I respect that it might add some confusion to the solve. I’ll have to check some of the ‘remove a letter’ puzzles I’ve done to see what they usually form. I’d argue 15A would be a valid sentence with some generous repunctuating e.g. ”Made a call, er… angry to some extent” but 20A is certainly a lost cause. Re 13D: ”they” is often used as the gender neutral singular pronoun so I’m not sure I see the problem. Thanks for solving!
          • Aaron Riccio 🤓1:54 · 2024-02-08T13:38:18.675Z
            I see what you're saying about 13D, but pronouns usually operate based on context: i.e., antecedents that help to clarify whether you're talking about a singular or plural. The surface implies plural ("soldiers"), so while you can make the argument that it's intentionally deceptive, as with most cryptic conventions, I'd personally avoid doing so. I totally hear what you're saying, though, and I get that it may hurt the surface: [In verse, many soldiers appear in good time with one who works out often (3,3)].
            BTW, I think it's totally fair to have the alterations make non-words in the grid or in the clues, but I do think the instructions should indicate as much.
            • JWords constructor · 2024-02-09T14:23:53.380Z
              I see your point for 13D, and though I do think the original clue is fair, it’s probably better to be precise in a gimmicky context such as this, so I’ve amended the clue.
              I’ll mull over whether I’ll change the instructions, but your feedback is definitely appreciated, thanks again.
        Want single timepiece of standard speed, following requirement (4,5)
        1. 1A
          Want single timepiece of standard speed, following requirement (4,5)
        2. 8A
          No hippy gets drunk without Pinot proper (5)
        3. 9A
          Filmmaker's regularly taken no plea in afternoon (5)
        4. 10A
          Drainpipe's leading character beyond South Africa (3)
        5. 11A
          Spanish girls losing associateship (4)
        6. 12A
          Grownup timeline: Judas gets naked, looking towards rear! (5)
        7. 13A
          Cake for gutted girl straddling horseback (3)
        8. 14A
          Songsmith Tidy T (5)
        9. 15A
          Made a callower Anglo-Saxon subset (4)
        10. 16A
          Sponge formatted locks? (3)
        11. 18A
          Boil later in rule to get cold (5)
        12. 19A
          Island getaway from one brief businessman's centrepiece (5)
        13. 20A
          Fluent LA toff's pretentious (9)
        1. 2D
          Full of one self brewed tea — it's logic (11)
        2. 3D
          Conclusions taken from jasperoid strata imply all sorts of times (4)
        3. 4D
          Far-off friend taking a mount of misshapen palfrey (6)
        4. 5D
          Mathematical assessment: a coin cut all bar king (11)
        5. 6D
          Stun Ned for Ed's cap, perhaps (6,3)
        6. 7D
          Where no Vice documentarian could post up: Northern Ireland, meeting deer and sheep (9)
        7. 13D
          In verse many soldiers appear in good time for lifting regular (3,3)
        8. 17D
          Cap let slip, scratching head, "revolutionary left" (4)