I think I may have overestimated the general familiarity with both the themers and a few of the regular fill clues (ERHU, ATTO, LAHTI, and SULA in particular may have been a bit more obscure than I'd intended), but I'm glad you enjoyed regardless!
I hope that's a good thing! I know the NE corner of the grid is a bit of a doozey if you aren't familiar with XENIA, PHILIA, or ERHU, but I hope the rest of it wasn't too painful, even with the relative-obscurity of the theme!
Idriss Z 🤓32:28 · hace alrededor de 3 años
Brutal, but in a good way! The spike fiddle was an aptly named sticking (guessing) point.
This one was brutal. I've gained a lot of Classical knowledge from Friday/Saturday NYT crosswords but this was way above and beyond what I can do. If anything this puzzle serves to remind me I have so much more to learn and that crosswords can be a great tool for that end.