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Cryptic 15x15 #2

· By SporcleMirror · Published 2024-04-20T14:30:20.819Z

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  • SporcleMirror constructor · 2024-04-20T14:52:10.776Z
    Annotations and explanations:
    1A - IN + NUDE + N[aughty] + DO (note), without D[rawings] ("initially censored")
    5A - NA + PALM
    9A - TEN + DRI[-L]LS
    10A - U[nhinged] N[ovel] + RE + AL (Gore)
    12A - (INTO YOU)* without the Os (rings)
    13A - BEAN (head) + S + T[hrough] + A + LaKe
    14A - (NAB A HORSE)*
    15A - ALL + YO[u]<
    17A - double definition
    19A - (LEE SCRIPT)*
    22A - H[ercules] + AND + [it]S [bound]D + OWN
    24A - O (love = nothing) + RAP* + H
    25A - literally AND within ROM, RAM is RANDOM Access Memory
    26A - cryptic definition (MINI MUMS)
    27A - (AD + TRAPS missing D[amascus])< ("from the East" is Across reversal, "300" is the movie here)
    28A - S + TRESSES (feet in the poetry sense)
    • SporcleMirror constructor · 2024-04-20T15:01:20.740Z
      1D - INTO + U + C[rus]H
      2D - NAIVE* without san[E], within NOBLE
      3D - EARL + (NO + Y)<
      4D - probably the most convoluted clue: NO + I + TAR (pitch) + E[xtremely] B[adly] + I + L + th[E] diamon[D], all reversed
      6D - (MAINES A)*
      7D - bARE NApping
      8D - (KEY LIME)*
      11D - M[essage] + A + DENTIST containing S[pecially] C[rafted] I[ncisors]
      16D - (A[nakin] + L[uke])< + ERG within SUNS
      17D - SEERS* containing P[remonitions] H[aunted]
      18D - &lit; L[oudly] A[ngrily] + SHOUT
      20D - LE + O + NINE
      21D - C[hief] O[arsman] + HOISTS without I[nhibition]
      23D - hiddeN IN JArgon
      • SporcleMirror constructor · 2024-04-20T15:37:28.191Z
        A question for more experienced cryptic constructors: My original idea for the SPHERES clue was "They're round hairdos finished with dreads, I hear" - so, the last letter in "hairdos" + "fears" sounded out = SPHERES. I'm wondering, is it allowed to use a homophone clue for part of a word (and not a full word or a whole multi-word answer)?
        • nate 🤓22:49 · 2024-04-20T21:52:48.760Z
          Partial homophones like that are definitely used, it's just a matter of preference/fairness as to whether/how you use them. I think I usually stick to cluing homophones that are real words to be safe (e.g. Son reportedly pairs with extras=S+PARES), but I also think your example feels pretty fair and fun — as usual, there's really no hard rules, we're all just figuring it out as we go!
          • JWords 🤓19:05 · 2024-04-21T09:51:24.318Z
            nate’s answer pretty much covers it, but my personal view is to avoid using homophones to clue a non-word prt of an answer — the rare times I’ve come across it in a published cryptic I haven’t been a fan. When it’s a syllable in the answer e.g. clueing SAWDUST with /sore/+DUST it’s definitely fine, other cases I’d treat with caution, as nate’s said with S+/pairs/. But that’s just my take, ultimately it’s all up to personal taste/style! Great puzzle by the way, thanks!
          • nate 🤓22:49 · 2024-04-20T21:37:29.906Z
            Nice, thanks for the puzzle!
            • NICK717 20:43 · 2024-04-22T01:48:01.117Z
              Fun puzzle. Thanks for the explanations, I could not figure out SPARTA
              In nude, somewhat naughty drawings (initially censored), note suggestion (8)
              1. 1A
                In nude, somewhat naughty drawings (initially censored), note suggestion (8)
              2. 5A
                Explosive North American tree (6)
              3. 9A
                10 trials missing 50 appendages (8)
              4. 10A
                Terrific start to "Unhinged Novel About Gore" (6)
              5. 12A
                Crazy into you, lacking rings for accord (5)
              6. 13A
                Head south, heading through a lake - oddly, it leads to the clouds (9)
              7. 14A
                Nab a horse brewing spicy stuff (9)
              8. 15A
                Result of fusion that's all about you, almost (5)
              9. 17A
                Nifty balloon (5)
              10. 19A
                Lee script about orange liquor (6, 3)
              11. 22A
                Beginning of "Hercules" and ending it's bound to have, for sure (5, 4)
              12. 24A
                "Love Rap" arrangement by hot TV personality (5)
              13. 25A
                It's part of RAM and within ROM (6)
              14. 26A
                Traces of some tiny British parents? (8)
              15. 27A
                City of 300 A. D. ensnares Damascus' leader, banished from the East? (6)
              16. 28A
                Small locks of hair, feet have them? (8)
              1. 1D
                "Into you!" - heartless crush, communicating (2, 5)
              2. 2D
                Impractical, naive, ridiculous, lacking sane basis... noble on the outside (9)
              3. 3D
                Initially, nobleman counters: "No... yes!" (5, 2)
              4. 4D
                "No, I pitch extremely badly!" (at first, I left the diamond). Finally, returning was a calculated decision (12)
              5. 6D
                Maine's a bad state for many soap opera characters (7)
              6. 7D
                Place for a concert or some bare napping (5)
              7. 8D
                "Key lime, bananas... I'm a fan!" (2, 5)
              8. 11D
                Initially message a dentist about source of specially crafted incisors for Frankenstein, e. g. (3, 9)
              9. 16D
                "Anakin, Luke, heads up! Sun's absorbing a bit of energy from Stormtroopers' weapons!" (5, 4)
              10. 17D
                Seer's confused about initial premonitions, haunted crystal balls and the like (7)
              11. 18D
                Start to loudly, angrily, yell! (4, 3)
              12. 20D
                The "French '09" is proud (7)
              13. 21D
                Chief oarsman initially lifts (without a bit of inhibition) a pair of anchors? (7)
              14. 23D
                Master of stealth partially hidden, in jargon (5)